Message from @Tejiu The Gecko
Discord ID: 604046257161502740
Nothing going on
nothing in the ice box?
just dont put me back please
wtf dude
Just be a good bean and you are alright
thats all you asked of them? name change?
i had to write a flipping poem
to sheeple
His name was assslaper and was being a nunce
I had to answer some quiz question thing by Sheeple
I was gonna let him out after a month
gunga ginga#5395 Stop spamming! This is warning number 2
gunga ginga#5395 has been sent to Muted for spamming!
&ice 538791391266865183
gunga ginga#5395 has been ICED for 4 Week(s)!
Relax folks he asked to be banned
At least he got his wish
Not even
He got iced
Oh lol
Poor dude
Welcome back
What’d I miss
Nothing super interesting
You can post pics I believe
That's very ironic
Welcome to picture perm club
Now Spamming mineyful#4764!
Finished Spamming mineyful#4764!
That's pro gamer