Message from @NickC64
Discord ID: 604098805079736322
i have been here for a while
Sorry it took so long
Calling someone a troll means you can’t reply to their arguments logically
That was the video thst made me start to wonder if Australia was real
lets go
Can’t believe everything on the internet
The land mass of the Austalis continent DOES exist, but the state is an illegal british colony built upon aboriginal land under the frivolous terra nullis claims that the aboriginal people are or were savages, the aboriginal people have never been paid for their land, the aboriginal people are being subject to genocide, they have liquour stores and live in slums, the disgraceful treatment of these indiginous people is being ignored, the country of australia was formerly a british penal colony built on conquered land without a formal declaration of war by criminals for criminals it is a criminal land grab, australia does not exist```
He also made a video called France doesn't exjst
@Human Sheeple he was not thinking of it that deeply
NoModzHereX#1094 LANGUAGE!!!
earth is not flat
undefined is an Invalid @User!!
@NoModzHereX Great thanks for coming by
Is it muting?
You can only look at the channels
Australia does exist
The government of Australia exists. Yes
Got me at the first half
it does exist. if you say it doesn't you are an oaf
Australia doesn't'n't exist
*O O F*
Nothing like the good times when conspiracy theory’s were kept lowkey & not so open
It's still sorta lowkey
not anymore
It is
It’s not