Message from @mineyful
Discord ID: 605543856041099264
thought it was &
bibleman it's really hard when I'm providing evidence and you just keep typing LOL and laughing at me
huh guess yeti or any bot we have doesn't use ! as a starter
is it showing up for you guys it isn't for me
Must Select a Meme!
there we go
&memes canttouchthis
&memes curvecalc
&memes eratosthenes
oh yeah sheeple I pinged you yesteday on the light curve ms paint drawing thing
&memes lightcurvesup
Invalid Meme!
&memes curvesup
Invalid Meme!
and three beams of light curving and going into the water
&memes goingupgoingdown
&memes cj
I saw the plume once at my house
it was great
it just kept going
space is his religion
so are we just going to stop the meteorite thing
Z you're still here I thought you said you had to go
&memes curvecalc
&memes rocketvacuum
what formula was used for the table
you can see it jiggle even before the "engine" starts
&unmute 194847865112231937
didgeridoo#4225 has been unbanned requested by Human Sheeple#6250
@hoyw you better be good