Message from @Bibleman
Discord ID: 605546095581593600
bibleman you got any evidence that meteorites are fake besides the bible
a religious text that's been made a couple thousand years ago
before the advent of modern astrology and astrophotography
hello soldz
I'm undecided on flat earth
Anyone care to convince me
just ping anyone not my color
i'm off to play games no one is responding anymore just ping me if you need something
Always goes against bible and points to scientism as the answer
I mean I haven't finished reading or believe in the bible
still on leviticus
check out the Bible Project series on YouTube @mineyful . It's super helpful in understanding the narrative going on . They do a 10 minute illustration of every book in the Bible
i've heard of them they are pretty cool thanks
I don't trust those guys
They are good for the basics. I think they are dead wrong on Revelation though
And revelation
They used the nambla symbol when trying to describe the trinity
oy vey
That's a lot of roles
Is there a role for Operation Fishbowl?
I'm an outright conspiracy theorist
yeah there is
I do a podcast too
Bush did 9/11
here come the yellows
brace yourself
I mute people
Can I get roles?
I'm an actual guy
What roles can I get?