Message from @Bibleman
Discord ID: 604433220582506527
Ruben#3280 LANGUAGE!!!
Ruben#3280 LANGUAGE!!!
<:pepe:593650260606451722> <:pepe:593650260606451722> <:pepe:593650260606451722> <:kitty1:507996065115406352> <:kitty1:507996065115406352> <:kitty1:507996065115406352> <:lul:484994724118134784> <:lul:484994724118134784> <:lul:484994724118134784> <:minion:563141676663701505> <:minion:563141676663701505>
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<:alien:551262600462204949> ah scary monster
@THE YETI Oi mate
<:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:nasalies:485141702403686403>
The moon landing was fake
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You silly willys
@Bibleman "Furies are a plague upon humanity, it's a mental disease, the cure unfortunately is being pushed against in schools" why do you say that
Bullying is the cure
It needs to be bullied out of people at a young age, bullying is normal
I was bullied to literal depression and the fact that you think it is okay to allow someone to get bullied
and possibly kill them selfs over it
it's not okay to support that
no matter what the circumstances are you should never support bullying
Sjw nonsense
If someone were to bully to the point of sever depression, as in what happened to me
what would you feel like if you were in a kids shoe getting bullied
and beaten
Depends what the bullying is about
bullying is not okay I dont even know if you're in a correct state of mind
if you thing that is okay
If it's bullying someone who is furry, that's good bullying, if they are gay, that's good bullying, if they are a pervert, that's good bullying
Alright you're just
you disgust me honestly I dont know how you think that
Your I was bullied card won't work on me, I was also kicked around
So don't act all victim card
im just going to say your disgusting
Personal attacks are against the rules
I dont care at this point about what you said disgusts me
you pig
&mute @CastAdventure