Message from @negatic

Discord ID: 625562373662703616

2019-09-23 04:58:08 UTC  

winning an arguement against an idiot is impossible

2019-09-23 04:58:13 UTC  

It’s like arguing about religion

2019-09-23 04:58:53 UTC  

@blade Indeed, showing a picture from a space agency that has lied in the past and calling it fact.

2019-09-23 04:59:07 UTC  

Is rather stupid

2019-09-23 04:59:18 UTC  

ill show you pictues from a space agency showing a round earth

2019-09-23 04:59:24 UTC  

but oh wait, that's fake

2019-09-23 04:59:29 UTC  


2019-09-23 05:17:46 UTC  


2019-09-23 05:18:21 UTC  

if u beliefe in fe this is supporting evidence if u beliefe in ge u need to think about why they would write that stuff

2019-09-23 05:19:10 UTC  

i admid from fe pov this is quite some revilation but its not setteling if earth is flat or globe for either side so its kind of irrelevant in convincing ge

2019-09-23 05:19:17 UTC  

There are NO balliefs within the FE there is but evidecne!

2019-09-23 05:19:51 UTC  

yes ur beliefs are determend by evidence

2019-09-23 05:20:03 UTC  

and knowledge is basically something you beliefe very very strongly

2019-09-23 05:20:22 UTC  

at least thats what the word means for me

2019-09-23 05:20:49 UTC  

2 days ago i actually was unsure for a few hours about this subject

2019-09-23 05:20:54 UTC  

that was quite the feeling

2019-09-23 05:21:03 UTC  

if u cant trust what ur being told or what u see

2019-09-23 05:21:10 UTC  

then how do you know whats true

2019-09-23 05:21:22 UTC  

Well its confirmed to ne a flat level plane, no measurable curve, also stationary!

2019-09-23 05:21:32 UTC  

but i got an answer for myself after thinking it through and searching for something i can determen for myself

2019-09-23 05:21:54 UTC  

im not sure if u wanna hear what my thought was

2019-09-23 05:22:08 UTC  

are u open to questioning ur own beliefs?

2019-09-23 05:22:23 UTC  

or are you more comfortable just keeping beliefing what you know?

2019-09-23 05:22:43 UTC  

it certainly is the easyer thing

2019-09-23 05:23:11 UTC  

i went through this the last week and really questioning your beliefs is quite hard.

2019-09-23 05:23:43 UTC  

I go by evidence not balliefs πŸ™‚

2019-09-23 05:23:54 UTC  

How are you Mr P πŸ™‚

2019-09-23 05:23:59 UTC  

what is a belief for you?

2019-09-23 05:24:15 UTC  

faith, ethreal, not material or substantive πŸ™‚

2019-09-23 05:24:20 UTC  

ah ok

2019-09-23 05:24:31 UTC  

for me its if ur convinced if something is true or false

2019-09-23 05:25:00 UTC  

if ur convined that some thing is true u beliefe its true if ur convinced its false u beliefe its false if u do neither then u dont belife it

2019-09-23 05:25:12 UTC  

*u withold belife in 3. case i mean

2019-09-23 05:25:24 UTC  

nope, thats sumink very differant, called cognative dissonance, an confermation bias, all these lenses effect you view an understanding of things, you must work on yourself to remove such things!

2019-09-23 05:25:54 UTC  

no cognitive dissonace is if u beliefe 2 mutually exclusive things

2019-09-23 05:26:06 UTC  

u got the word belife in the definition already

2019-09-23 05:26:20 UTC  

You dont wannah learn, you wannah shove your view down peoples throats, we will discuss no further, thanks πŸ™‚

2019-09-23 05:26:29 UTC  


2019-09-23 05:27:29 UTC  

Belief is the attitude that something is the case or true.[1] In epistemology, philosophers use the term "belief" to refer to personal attitudes associated with true or false ideas and concepts. However, "belief" does not require active introspection and circumspection. For example, few ponder whether the sun will rise, just assume it will. Since "belief" is an important aspect of mundane life, according to Eric Schwitzgebel in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, a related question asks: "how a physical organism can have beliefs?

2019-09-23 05:27:40 UTC  

words are basically descriptive of how we use them