Message from @mjones
Discord ID: 629973075978485770
Except for the Greeks. They believed in a globe earth.
they just assumed because that's what seemed right to them
And realised millions lived there
They all knew and proved it was flat
but you could say the same about the globe earth
We have just been told a guy in sandals proved its a globe with a stick😂 the vatican sent priests to greece
And they forced the new cult on all cultures
Because they control armies and funds
You can look it up
Pretty sure Eratosthenes was a globe earther.
people have seemingly proved that the earth is round with theories like gravity
@TheBiscuitMuncher how can a theory prove anything
and how the daylight cycle works
it can't
And gravity isnt a theory
we can't *prove* that the earth is round without going into space and seeing it for ourself
yes it is
Its a ideology
it's a theory
If it were a globe it would he easily proven
but you can't prove the earth is flat either
We would be able to see the curve
We would need it for construction
have you got any idea how large the earth is?
We would need it for flying and submariens
you can't just *see* a curve
if it's the size of a planet
@TheBiscuitMuncher but scientists say you can
it would seem flat from where we are
It has to curve
and it does
Greeks were very notorious for writing stuff down
So if you wanna see something below the curve then u shouldnt be able to
But you can
Stop going back on yourself
i'm not