Message from @mjones

Discord ID: 629973075978485770

2019-10-05 09:26:14 UTC  

Except for the Greeks. They believed in a globe earth.

2019-10-05 09:26:15 UTC  

they just assumed because that's what seemed right to them

2019-10-05 09:26:16 UTC  

And realised millions lived there

2019-10-05 09:26:20 UTC  

Greeks didnt @pop4131

2019-10-05 09:26:25 UTC  

They all knew and proved it was flat

2019-10-05 09:26:38 UTC  

but you could say the same about the globe earth

2019-10-05 09:26:47 UTC  

We have just been told a guy in sandals proved its a globe with a stick😂 the vatican sent priests to greece

2019-10-05 09:26:58 UTC  

And they forced the new cult on all cultures

2019-10-05 09:27:06 UTC  

Because they control armies and funds

2019-10-05 09:27:11 UTC  

You can look it up

2019-10-05 09:27:13 UTC  

Pretty sure Eratosthenes was a globe earther.

2019-10-05 09:27:21 UTC  

people have seemingly proved that the earth is round with theories like gravity

2019-10-05 09:27:21 UTC  

@pop4131 were you there?

2019-10-05 09:27:31 UTC  

@TheBiscuitMuncher how can a theory prove anything

2019-10-05 09:27:36 UTC  

and how the daylight cycle works

2019-10-05 09:27:45 UTC  

it can't

2019-10-05 09:28:00 UTC  

And gravity isnt a theory

2019-10-05 09:28:01 UTC  

we can't *prove* that the earth is round without going into space and seeing it for ourself

2019-10-05 09:28:03 UTC  

yes it is

2019-10-05 09:28:03 UTC  

Its a ideology

2019-10-05 09:28:05 UTC  


2019-10-05 09:28:07 UTC  


2019-10-05 09:28:09 UTC  

it's a theory

2019-10-05 09:28:14 UTC  

If it were a globe it would he easily proven

2019-10-05 09:28:19 UTC  

but you can't prove the earth is flat either

2019-10-05 09:28:19 UTC  

We would be able to see the curve

2019-10-05 09:28:23 UTC  

We would need it for construction

2019-10-05 09:28:30 UTC  

have you got any idea how large the earth is?

2019-10-05 09:28:32 UTC  

We would need it for flying and submariens

2019-10-05 09:28:32 UTC  

2019-10-05 09:28:35 UTC  

you can't just *see* a curve

2019-10-05 09:28:42 UTC  

if it's the size of a planet

2019-10-05 09:28:45 UTC  

@TheBiscuitMuncher but scientists say you can

2019-10-05 09:28:48 UTC  

it would seem flat from where we are

2019-10-05 09:28:50 UTC  

It has to curve

2019-10-05 09:28:53 UTC  

and it does

2019-10-05 09:28:56 UTC  

Greeks were very notorious for writing stuff down

2019-10-05 09:29:03 UTC  

So if you wanna see something below the curve then u shouldnt be able to

2019-10-05 09:29:05 UTC  

But you can

2019-10-05 09:29:10 UTC  

Stop going back on yourself

2019-10-05 09:29:13 UTC  

i'm not