Message from @CrowdersDefense

Discord ID: 632590229349466156

2019-10-12 13:43:01 UTC  

If i showed u a video with flat earth would u believe it?

2019-10-12 13:43:09 UTC  

If no ,why?

2019-10-12 13:44:42 UTC  


2019-10-12 13:45:06 UTC  

Because i dont believe in a global world order that would lie about the shape of the earth

2019-10-12 13:45:48 UTC  

But its a video!

2019-10-12 13:47:05 UTC  

Why should i believe in manipulated video of human landed on moon then?

2019-10-12 13:48:09 UTC  

Who says it is manipulated

2019-10-12 13:48:20 UTC  

Also note that video evidence wasnt the only evidence i gave

2019-10-12 13:48:45 UTC  

But u didn't give us any evidence?

2019-10-12 13:50:14 UTC  


2019-10-12 13:50:46 UTC  


2019-10-12 13:50:52 UTC  

Ok what?

2019-10-12 14:00:08 UTC  

Earth = round

2019-10-12 14:19:49 UTC  


2019-10-12 14:45:38 UTC  

So phots are all fake....ok

2019-10-12 14:45:48 UTC  

What about the rocks we took from the moon?

2019-10-12 14:46:54 UTC  

Or the lunar laser ranging device we left

2019-10-12 14:46:57 UTC  

A better question is, why is every other planet in the solar system round? No one has answered that

2019-10-12 14:47:24 UTC  

Flat earthers don’t think there are other planets

2019-10-12 14:47:31 UTC  

They think its lights

2019-10-12 14:47:43 UTC  

Like light bulbs...

2019-10-12 14:47:59 UTC  

I assume without any proof?

2019-10-12 14:48:32 UTC  

Their proff is observation I think, but if you use a telescope to see let’s say mars or the moon you can see it has a curve

2019-10-12 14:48:34 UTC  


2019-10-12 14:48:41 UTC  

They still say it’s lights

2019-10-12 14:48:52 UTC  

Meant to fool you

2019-10-12 14:49:11 UTC  

If you look at the horizon from a tall building with a high-powered telescope, you can see the curvature

2019-10-12 14:49:18 UTC  

like the empire state building

2019-10-12 14:50:24 UTC  

I don’t think they understand why we use mathematics for things we can’t directly observe. I talked to paradox and she said if we can’t observe it then it isn’t real...something along that line.
Which I think is absurd because we have predicted many things using mathematics, in which later on we have experimented and the equations have come out to be true.

2019-10-12 14:51:01 UTC  

Yes also they do experiments where the thing their looking at is higher then what their standing on, and they see it as being flat.

2019-10-12 14:52:22 UTC  

Hopefully a flat earther joins, I want to see what their arguments are

2019-10-12 14:57:12 UTC  

As humans we are developed to see patterns. That’s why we see faces on cars or houses, etc.
so when things seem to have patters in them we assume that those things are related.
When they might not actually be.
The flat earthers see that the government has lied before and they have gone down this rabbit hole where they are seeing these false patterns and connecting these dots that aren’t there.
And it’s easy to believe in a conspiracy rather then the truth, because a conspiracy is a set of answers that tend to fill in the blanks. Where as in science we don’t know everything so we aren’t going to say, that’s why it’s hard to argue science with a conspiracist. Because they think they have firgured out what fits on the blank space

2019-10-12 15:00:31 UTC  

Good point.

2019-10-12 15:02:38 UTC  

Not to mention your lvl of knowledge on a topic really impacts your ability to be targeted by a conspiracy.
As a child (or at least this was me) I used to think poverty was dumb and there was a clear easy solution, get rid of money. I didn’t have any knowledge on how the economy works.
So when you don’t have high lvl of understanding in mathematics and science, you think you know everything. The quote I think goes like this “A smart person thinks their dumb, while a ignorant person thinks they know everything”. When I was a freshman I bragged that I knew physics and was the best in math to my friends, yet I had never taken physics. When I then decided to sit down and pick up a notebook to learn physics, I ended up crying and at that moment I realized just how complicated the topic was.
When I was talking to paradox yesterday she said she tried to debunk the flat earth argument, but she couldn’t. It could be that she didn’t have the right material/knowledge to explain to the other side why they were wrong. Or it could be that the other side didn’t have the same understanding in math or science as her and though of whatever she said to be absurd.

2019-10-12 15:08:09 UTC  

And instead presented their “evidence” as a series of fill in the blank answers. Rather then using data.
If you have ever read a physics paper you will understand what I mean by data..not some article online. It is heavily math based and uses complicated scientific terms, that the average joe isn’t going to understand. That’s what articles are for, to simplify those papers so the average person can understand them. But they might translate the paper wrong or leave out materials because it will be too complicated for a normal civilian to understand.
Everyone falls into this trap, both sides do.

2019-10-12 15:10:53 UTC  

Thats why i dont argue against flat earthers.

2019-10-12 15:13:46 UTC  

I don't really mind the flat earth stuff, as long as they're willing to look into conspiracy stuff

2019-10-12 15:14:02 UTC  

But not to the point where they're essentially solipsists

2019-10-12 15:14:10 UTC  

I just sprinkle salt to spark wonder and let them figure out the rest. But regardless, I will state what I believe and provide reason why I believe it. But I never do that to get into a "youre wrong Im right" debate.

2019-10-12 15:14:58 UTC  

Here a quote from a flat earth page “The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat”
They rely on their senses. But your sense can be wrong. It’s simple psychology. That’s how magic tricks are performed by tricking your senses, that’s how placebo effects happen by tricking your senses.
However math defeats that, it takes your sense into account BUT it uncovers what’s really happening.
An example would be this.
Let’s say I look at 2 buildings which look identical to me. Building 1 is far away and building 2 is somewhat close to me. Building 2 is taller, but idk know that. Now due to perspective the 2 buildings are going to look the same size. However when you apply simple trig and physics you will find that the 2nd building is taller.

2019-10-12 15:15:24 UTC  

I hate "youre wrong Im right" debates.