Message from @Skeptic Ayy

Discord ID: 633145456389521418

2019-10-14 03:29:15 UTC  

I think it's funny when ppl criticize nasa for wasting money, then criticize them for saving money by sending unmanned missions instead of humans

2019-10-14 03:29:29 UTC  

Lmao who said the van allen belt is causing climate change

2019-10-14 03:29:43 UTC  

What's even more funnier is when they went to the moon 50 years ago and ignored the van allen belt lol.

2019-10-14 03:29:53 UTC  

They didn’t....

2019-10-14 03:29:59 UTC  

Are you serious?

2019-10-14 03:30:16 UTC  

They did also destroy all the information relating to the moon landings. It's so obviously faked.

2019-10-14 03:30:35 UTC  

Your reasoning is hilarious

2019-10-14 03:30:38 UTC  

Maybe they were hiding something else

2019-10-14 03:31:25 UTC  

My dad told me he drove to the store, but told me his car broke down on the way home and it was destroyed: therefore the store is fake

2019-10-14 03:31:33 UTC  

That’s your reasoning

2019-10-14 03:31:37 UTC  

@Skeptic Ayy is POEing

2019-10-14 03:31:48 UTC  

**on the way home** nope, he destroyed it after he came home.

2019-10-14 03:32:09 UTC  

speaking of which, if you watch the full interview with Neil Armstrong and the others, it was not an elbow "hush" nudge. You need to watch the video carefully to realize, they did see stars. They did not see stars under certain conditions (what were those conditions? watch the full interview carefully to find out)

2019-10-14 03:32:25 UTC  

Are you parroting from other flat earthers? You sound all the same

2019-10-14 03:32:40 UTC  

If you fail to consider the context of the astronauts' responses to questions, then it's called cherry picking.

2019-10-14 03:32:52 UTC  

I'm not even a flat earther what the hell. Moon landing is so obviously faked, it's not even a conspiracy theory but reality.

2019-10-14 03:33:10 UTC  

But you have no actual evidence of that

2019-10-14 03:33:13 UTC  

but they brought back moon rocks

2019-10-14 03:33:15 UTC  

how are those faked

2019-10-14 03:34:00 UTC  

There is proof, they destroyed all the data regarding the moon landings. They also passed through the van allen belts without once mentioning it in their report going to the moon. I bet you didn't even watch a single video of the moon landing.

2019-10-14 03:34:12 UTC  

"destroyed all the data"

2019-10-14 03:34:15 UTC  

100% wrong

2019-10-14 03:34:18 UTC  

It's not obvious that it was real. But there are people who cherry pick things and put things back together in a convoluted way as to make it seem obvious that it was fake.

2019-10-14 03:34:44 UTC  

lol he dropped a feather and a hammer, and they fell at 1/6 g at the same exact rate

2019-10-14 03:34:46 UTC  

Wrong they did consider the van allen belts.

2019-10-14 03:35:35 UTC  

Faked moon landing is like level 1 conspiracy theory stuff, it's so easy to debunk the moon landings.

2019-10-14 03:36:14 UTC  

You expect things to be a certain way in reality based on your assumption that you're absolutely right. So when in reality things did not turn out that way, then you conclude they lied or faked it, because it does not conform to what you expect.

2019-10-14 03:36:48 UTC  

You haven’t debunked anything though. You are parroting common misunderstandings. I can literally tell you watched a couple of YT videos. How about you actually look into real science: like orbital mechanics and radiation protection

2019-10-14 03:37:03 UTC  

It's so obviously fake, because it's so obviously not what you expect.

2019-10-14 03:37:36 UTC  

Have you even bothered checking the proof that it's faked and looked at *debunking* by the other side?

2019-10-14 03:38:07 UTC  

I've watched the entire interview after the moonlanding. And I will watch it again if I have to.

2019-10-14 03:38:19 UTC  

Take half an hour and check it out, evidence upon evidence that proves its faked.

2019-10-14 03:38:29 UTC  

No, because usually those that have those “proofs” know absolutely nothing about space travel and haven’t gotten their GEDs or graduated in political sciences

2019-10-14 03:38:48 UTC  

It’s actual cringe listening to them try to talk about Apollo

2019-10-14 03:38:56 UTC  

political science still counts as science <:giggle:485714802123997184>

2019-10-14 03:38:59 UTC  

There is nothing in the interview that suggests that the astronauts lied about seeing stars or anything else, if you watch it carefully enough.

2019-10-14 03:39:14 UTC  

Whats even more cringe is when kids talk about the moon landings not being faked when they haven't watched 2 minutes of it.

2019-10-14 03:39:33 UTC  

Lol I have a bid that graduated pol. Sciences and it’s a funny joke we have. Nothing against them tho

2019-10-14 03:39:44 UTC  


2019-10-14 03:40:10 UTC  

I probably know much more about rocket science and the Apollo mission than you think you do