Message from @THE YETI
Discord ID: 610270542934704138
and yeah
unmute Florida
&flatsmack @Nagito
&flatsmack @rivenator12113
Now Flatsmacking rivenator12113#1610!
Finished Spamming rivenator12113#1610!
so yall believe in that the earth is flat huh
This is in fact a bruh moment
Can I ask the people who believe flat earth a question please
do you really believe in this nonsense?
My dude, I’m a globe earther, chill.
Only came here for debating.
Goto <#538929818834698260> then
I was here to "troll" these guys but they are so dumb that it aint worth it
Groos#6681 has been muted for 7 Day(s)!
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
Stop messing around in here
Go to <#484514023698726912>
Go to <#484514023698726912> this is for only flat earth discussion
O alright just don't troll or you'll get muted
Only warning have fun
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
What did you learn
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
why would they lie?
```Power, money, prestige, aesthetically pleasing,
More land, world view control,
Economic dominance, spite the creator, dictate reality,
Perception dominance, hide us from our true potential and abilities,
Hookers and blow, confirmation of occultism,
Keep the sheep in the middle of the pen paying taxes,
No more land to discover on the globe,
Astronomers protecting themselves from the noose, alien deception,
Replacing god as an object of worship, promotion of secular statism
And many many more reasons to lie.```
Don’t @Deleted User can this guy be iced for this
I don’t know
iced? why, not spam not dropping invites
It’s add
Yes it’s kind of spam your putting hen everywhere
i put 1 in lobby 1 here