Message from @Tejiu The Gecko

Discord ID: 605663940302864394

2019-07-30 07:26:17 UTC  

which is why i wouldn't put myself on the same level as a rock

2019-07-30 07:26:30 UTC  

i can think and act, and do things

2019-07-30 07:26:39 UTC  

i have breath.

2019-07-30 07:26:42 UTC  

Fair enough, but I disagree.

2019-07-30 07:27:35 UTC  

Genesis 2:7

2019-07-30 07:27:35 UTC  

**Genesis 2:7 - King James Version (KJV)**


<7> And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. ```

2019-07-30 07:27:52 UTC  

people and (most) animals have this breath of life

2019-07-30 07:28:02 UTC  

which is unique

2019-07-30 07:28:25 UTC  

I'm sorry for calling you arrogant. I didn't like how this conversation started, but we're clearly on more level ground, at this point.

2019-07-30 07:28:28 UTC  

I have started reading into some of the things we have been talking about
Not super a lot as I got a lot to read but are on it

2019-07-30 07:29:18 UTC  

Like what?

2019-07-30 07:29:36 UTC  

Oh, in DM's?

2019-07-30 07:29:44 UTC  

Like astrology

2019-07-30 07:29:50 UTC  


2019-07-30 07:29:55 UTC  

Found a group who works a lot around it

2019-07-30 07:30:11 UTC  

Oh, link me to it.

2019-07-30 07:30:18 UTC  

I've been looking for one

2019-07-30 07:30:20 UTC  

that's fine, all is good.

2019-07-30 07:31:16 UTC  

It is a group with mixed stuff if it is alright?
Some are pagan groups and one is just a big collection of stuff

2019-07-30 07:31:56 UTC  

Oh, I thought it was primarily Astrology

2019-07-30 07:32:16 UTC  

There are chatrooms about it

2019-07-30 07:32:25 UTC  

And a lot of them in there do use it

2019-07-30 07:32:44 UTC  

I mean, I suppose I can look through it, but I'd rather something more focused on astrology so I didn't get distracted.

2019-07-30 07:33:37 UTC  

Then I have one which is just a collection of files of many different things where there is a few rooms filled with astrology stuff

2019-07-30 07:34:36 UTC  

man shouldn't try to know what goes on in the heavens, i'd go as far as to compare it to divination, witchcraft, and other things of that nature

2019-07-30 07:35:13 UTC  

it isn't man's place.

2019-07-30 07:35:21 UTC  

Well, what about when God said there will be signs in the heavens?

2019-07-30 07:35:37 UTC  

Why have signs if we aren't to look at them?

2019-07-30 07:35:58 UTC  

exactly what it says, there is a clear difference between observing a sign in the heavens and going full into astrology.

2019-07-30 07:36:21 UTC  

What do you think astrology is?

2019-07-30 07:36:55 UTC  

using star patterns and movements along with "planet" movement to try to predict things about people or the future

2019-07-30 07:37:15 UTC  

It's not this modern horoscope crap. That's going way too far with it and using for what it was never meant for

2019-07-30 07:37:51 UTC  

observing signs is fine, as we were meant to do that, but to gaze at the stars constantly and use them to try to predict the future is wrong./

2019-07-30 07:37:54 UTC  

The wise men never tried to tell each other their horoscopes

2019-07-30 07:37:56 UTC  

Stupid discord won’t let me copy the invite

2019-07-30 07:38:22 UTC  

the wise men followed the star, which i can only imagine, was a brand new star

2019-07-30 07:38:28 UTC  

one that had recently appeared

2019-07-30 07:39:11 UTC  

each star does have a sort of position it is meant to be at in the heavens, and a set track it is to go

2019-07-30 07:39:27 UTC  

so for the wise men to follow a star, it must have been new, or special in a way

2019-07-30 07:39:35 UTC  

Astrology isn't predicting the future, it's using the stars as signs and noticing how they affect our bodies.

2019-07-30 07:39:57 UTC  

signs im ok with, the affecting our bodies part, no