Message from @some random dude

Discord ID: 774838614356918274

2020-11-08 03:29:07 UTC  

I only hope that Biden is still isolationist tho

2020-11-08 03:29:13 UTC  

Change wont come from above

2020-11-08 03:29:15 UTC  

Trump did an alright job at that

2020-11-08 03:29:28 UTC  

Trump was isolationist?

2020-11-08 03:29:41 UTC  

no, but he was more so than the past few presidents

2020-11-08 03:29:58 UTC  

Eh I'd say he was comparable, at least policy and action wise

2020-11-08 03:30:10 UTC  

Like they all did drone strikes and shit

2020-11-08 03:30:32 UTC  

I remember when trump bombed the shit outve some Iranian fag

2020-11-08 03:30:33 UTC  


2020-11-08 03:30:37 UTC  

Cucked again Iran

2020-11-08 03:30:52 UTC  

Yeah, that's why I question the isolationist thing lol

2020-11-08 03:30:55 UTC  

is protectionism isolationist

2020-11-08 03:30:56 UTC  

He was pretty aggressive

2020-11-08 03:31:14 UTC  

yeah, he started to fuck off from the middle east last half of his term

2020-11-08 03:31:30 UTC  

still with some drones, of course

2020-11-08 03:31:36 UTC  

Ofc lol

2020-11-08 03:31:37 UTC  


2020-11-08 03:31:47 UTC  

He still hasn't pulled the troops out like said tho right?

2020-11-08 03:31:50 UTC  

Or has he?

2020-11-08 03:31:55 UTC  

i thought he did

2020-11-08 03:32:01 UTC  

pretty sure he has taken them out

2020-11-08 03:32:02 UTC  

although obama pulled out of iraq

2020-11-08 03:32:06 UTC  

Maybe not

2020-11-08 03:32:08 UTC  

Oh ok

2020-11-08 03:32:09 UTC  

so he didn't have much to pull out

2020-11-08 03:32:14 UTC  

Idk either

2020-11-08 03:32:34 UTC  

also did some peace talking, on behalf of the Jews, of course

2020-11-08 03:32:40 UTC  


2020-11-08 03:32:48 UTC  

Regulized some relations

2020-11-08 03:32:54 UTC  

If I could spell m.....

2020-11-08 03:33:05 UTC  

pretty standard stuff, nothing really extraordinary imo

2020-11-08 03:33:15 UTC  

even when trump isn't starting shit, it's only for isreal.....

2020-11-08 03:33:38 UTC  

I'm not an antisemite

2020-11-08 03:33:45 UTC  

Neither am i

2020-11-08 03:33:53 UTC  

But that doesn't mean I have to like isreal, do I?

2020-11-08 03:34:05 UTC  

But god I hate Zionists, like they do realise israel is a hardly functioning ethno state that has done horrors to Palestinians right?

2020-11-08 03:34:20 UTC  

jews are related to israel in the same way muslims are related to hezbollah lol

2020-11-08 03:34:29 UTC  

idc what they do, but I start to care when we send them millions of dollars

2020-11-08 03:34:41 UTC  

no need to compare the worst parts of a religion to it's followers

2020-11-08 03:34:47 UTC  

I don't

2020-11-08 03:34:53 UTC  

ikik i'm just saying