Message from @icedOJ

Discord ID: 775444704372195378

2020-11-09 19:37:49 UTC  

@Kriskris what are your thoughts on police unions?

2020-11-09 19:38:06 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:38:16 UTC  

Hold on brb

2020-11-09 19:38:42 UTC  

Black lives do matter. The organization doesn't.

2020-11-09 19:38:43 UTC  

> All Lives Matter is against BLM, and I directly support neither
@Kriskris ohhs

2020-11-09 19:38:50 UTC  

Alm is trash 😅

2020-11-09 19:38:59 UTC  

Alm is great

2020-11-09 19:39:02 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:39:09 UTC  

It's idiotic and doesn't understand blm

2020-11-09 19:39:15 UTC  

Ofc all lives matter

2020-11-09 19:39:26 UTC  

alr im back, police unions seem decent when regulated correctly.

2020-11-09 19:39:28 UTC  

All lives matter is for people who don't like the riots, and want equality rather than hatred.

2020-11-09 19:39:32 UTC  

Blm isn't just saying black lives only matter everyone's life matters

2020-11-09 19:39:53 UTC  

many people in BLM are actually racist tbf.

2020-11-09 19:39:56 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:40:05 UTC  

Blm is just about addressing the racism and unjust killings black ppl have experienced. Bc they expirence it more

2020-11-09 19:40:08 UTC  

Or intolerant of other beliefs

2020-11-09 19:40:09 UTC  

Just for their race

2020-11-09 19:40:17 UTC  

i hate being that guy, but could i get a source for that?

2020-11-09 19:40:23 UTC  

Source for wat

2020-11-09 19:40:24 UTC  

the claim that most people in the BLM movement are racist

2020-11-09 19:40:29 UTC  

Oh lol

2020-11-09 19:40:30 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:40:53 UTC  

> alr im back, police unions seem decent when regulated correctly.
@Kriskris also they aren't regulated, wdym?

2020-11-09 19:40:54 UTC  

I mean everyone in blm isn't tho 😅 a good percentage of blm protestors are white

2020-11-09 19:41:00 UTC  

It's not just black ppl in it

2020-11-09 19:41:07 UTC  

My personal experience. There isnt a statistic for 'many'. No one is going to openly admit they're racist either.

2020-11-09 19:41:19 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:41:23 UTC  

just wanted to clarify

2020-11-09 19:41:30 UTC  

ALM is a reactionary stance that is only used to hate on black people and BLM. You dont see ALM people protesting when a black guy gets unjustly killed, you see them justifying the deaths in whatever way they can. They never try to advocate for things that would actually help all lives, instead they just call for BLM to stop protesting and stuff

2020-11-09 19:41:44 UTC  

Lots of ppl can be racist but just saying the blm movement is racist is saying u know they are

2020-11-09 19:41:51 UTC  

Fui i think most people are in agreement here lol

2020-11-09 19:42:00 UTC  

i don't think anyone in this convo support the ALM movement

2020-11-09 19:42:05 UTC  

@icedOJ yeah just wanted to make my statement

2020-11-09 19:42:17 UTC  

All lives do matter just all races don't expirence the same

2020-11-09 19:42:30 UTC  

Especially in America 😅 literally it was built off of racism

2020-11-09 19:43:01 UTC  

There are many things that BLM does and supports that I cannot support. I choose to support neither BLM nor ALM. I simply look into situations and dictate whether they were right or not, in my personal opinion.

2020-11-09 19:43:14 UTC  

that's a fair stance

2020-11-09 19:43:22 UTC  

Yeah u moderate ig

2020-11-09 19:43:29 UTC  

Centrists <:ree:767535533312049152>

2020-11-09 19:43:31 UTC  

i agree with the general idea behind blm, but not entirely with the movement itself