Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 301503789628653579
Eggs dee
Jews fear the samurai
@Ulstèr-Scotch what is that gooks name?
@Ulstèr-Scotch I wanna watch his vids
The greatest happening of all time has already happened. We are now living in a time where we suffer the consequences of the greatest happening. It is pitiful where the last great bastion of traditionalism lies in the gutter of the Internet.
@Ulstèr-Scotch stop shitposting and tell me the name of the gook you nigger
read the comic
The greatest redpill of all is that the redpill doesn't exist
Rationality and ignorance is all that's left
Haku Zynzyoku @James_Coney - LA
It's going well
Trying to gain the trust of everyone at the moment
Covering my tracks on my Internet searches and my profile on the Internet which I believe has served well so far
day 78 they still think Im a socialist... the rations are ok
To them my name is Peter McMullan
all you have to do is be smelly and pissed off that you arent successful
It's easy to imitate a socialist
and blame others you arent successful*
All I need to do is to quote unsourced tumblr info graphics made by someone with 0 economic understanding and they believe me
Don't forget the Starbucks on fridays.
I already go to Starbucks on for days
It's hypocritical, they meet in a massive capitalist conglomerate to discuss socialism