Message from @Anette

Discord ID: 617006561625243715

Have you guys ever heard of Time cube?

2019-08-30 14:40:54 UTC  

the cosmos is an isolated system

I believe in time cube

2019-08-30 14:41:00 UTC

2019-08-30 14:41:10 UTC  

looks like it should

2019-08-30 14:41:22 UTC  

Looks like either a rocket crashing or going into orbit

Rlly tho if earth was flat (we all know it’s shaped like a velociraptor) then u could get to space by falling off the edge right?

2019-08-30 14:41:48 UTC  

also it assumes the tragectory is perpendicular to the viewer

2019-08-30 14:42:03 UTC

2019-08-30 14:42:12 UTC  


So why do we use fancy rockets?

2019-08-30 14:42:45 UTC  

please no subtle attack on Disney

Disney is a big company and is part of big pharma

And the deep state

2019-08-30 14:43:16 UTC  

they kinda quirky doe

Disney participated in indoctrination of children

2019-08-30 14:43:31 UTC  

Big pharma is reaping the benefits of your ignorant belief that the earth is a globe

Big pharma and the deep state

2019-08-30 14:43:47 UTC  

this is moronic

2019-08-30 14:43:48 UTC

2019-08-30 14:44:15 UTC  

Those aren’t even rockets

2019-08-30 14:44:26 UTC  

How can people be standing beside a launching rocket

Those things are nsfw

2019-08-30 14:44:40 UTC  

Also rockets don’t get launched in residential areas

2019-08-30 14:45:09 UTC  


2019-08-30 14:45:22 UTC  

China be wildin

I’m afraid of big pharma killing me for saying the truth

2019-08-30 14:46:08 UTC  

What even is big pharma

2019-08-30 14:46:19 UTC  

Does it mean the pharmaceutical industry

2019-08-30 14:46:30 UTC  

Why would they lie about the earth

2019-08-30 14:46:36 UTC  

I thought they just sold medicine

2019-08-30 14:47:34 UTC  

maybe they do, who knows

2019-08-30 14:47:42 UTC

2019-08-30 14:48:09 UTC  

Where’d everything go

2019-08-30 14:52:01 UTC

2019-08-30 14:53:39 UTC  

Why don’t flat earthers just get a plane and fly over the ice wall

2019-08-30 14:54:10 UTC  

they already have a plane

2019-08-30 14:54:37 UTC  

Rent a hot air balloon and float till you see the curve