Message from @FALKON

Discord ID: 621543171935174666

2019-09-12 03:06:19 UTC  

cuz you have a different view point @BattlePod

2019-09-12 03:06:22 UTC  

I'm trying to help you/ us/ society

2019-09-12 03:06:32 UTC  
2019-09-12 03:06:53 UTC  

people need to learn how to disagree respectfully

2019-09-12 03:07:00 UTC  

No longer riding on the merry go round

2019-09-12 03:07:07 UTC  


2019-09-12 03:07:11 UTC  

Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes, also known as Guido Fawkes while fighting for the Spanish, was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. He was born and educated in York, England; his father died when Fawkes was eight years old, after which his mother married a recusant Catholic.

2019-09-12 03:07:45 UTC  

Theres no problems only solutions

2019-09-12 03:08:14 UTC  

Am I muted

2019-09-12 03:08:24 UTC  

The idea that not voting is some very grand concept would make it seem as though we vote in mass and it's unusual not to vote.

2019-09-12 03:08:31 UTC  

However, you can't call yoursel am anarchist, if you're voting for someo to rule over you... That's a contradiction

2019-09-12 03:08:34 UTC  

I just had to let it go

2019-09-12 03:08:43 UTC  

Well I respectfully disagree with your viewpoint battlepod

2019-09-12 03:08:53 UTC  

if you say things to provoke and/or attack the other person, theyre not going to take what you said seriously enough to think about it, theyre going to take it as a psychological attack

2019-09-12 03:09:50 UTC  

Anarchy means:
No rulers
No leaders
Able to govern your own affairs
.... Voting is the exact opposite of that....

2019-09-12 03:09:54 UTC  

battle i disagree with your opinion on the topic, but i dont disrespect you for it

2019-09-12 03:09:55 UTC  

So you're saying that one must follow an ideal through unwaveringly even if there are minor alternative routes that might better server them?

2019-09-12 03:10:09 UTC  

No deviation from the course?

2019-09-12 03:10:19 UTC  

Word salad, anyone?

2019-09-12 03:10:27 UTC  

Sounds rather fascistic

2019-09-12 03:10:39 UTC  

Who u talking too

2019-09-12 03:10:54 UTC  

As though me voting makes me any less of a Libertarian Socialist.

2019-09-12 03:11:06 UTC  

Yes it does

2019-09-12 03:11:24 UTC  

Flat earth believers have flat dicks

2019-09-12 03:11:25 UTC  

ah i see, well the nazis were national socialists, in fact thats what the word nazi meant

2019-09-12 03:11:56 UTC  

Hitler killed the socialists in The Night of the Long Knives, so I wouldn't really call the part socialist.

2019-09-12 03:12:02 UTC

2019-09-12 03:12:10 UTC  

that was part of the propaganda

2019-09-12 03:12:14 UTC  

Of course

2019-09-12 03:12:27 UTC  

Hitler wasn't the bad guy

2019-09-12 03:12:31 UTC  


2019-09-12 03:12:39 UTC  

Your books will claim he was, but he wasn't

2019-09-12 03:12:44 UTC  


2019-09-12 03:12:45 UTC  

Well on that note

2019-09-12 03:12:58 UTC  

i disagree, but id also point ot that there were no good guys

2019-09-12 03:13:39 UTC  

how was hitler not the bad guy?

2019-09-12 03:13:46 UTC  

Think about this:
Who is controlling the fictional currency that most countries use to this day?
Answer: Rothschild family (Jews)

2019-09-12 03:13:52 UTC  

It was great being mocked for taking a few minutes out of my day to vote once in a while but I think I have better things to do.

2019-09-12 03:14:03 UTC  

rothschilds arent jews

2019-09-12 03:14:20 UTC  

They are actually German/ Jewish

2019-09-12 03:14:30 UTC  

Ironic, huh?