Message from @Australian Guy

Discord ID: 623070076987375616

2019-09-16 08:15:10 UTC  

No because then we wouldn't have free will @kino

2019-09-16 08:15:43 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:15:44 UTC  

The whole idea of humanity's struggle is god allowing evil

2019-09-16 08:15:53 UTC  

Because if he destroyed it it would violate free will

2019-09-16 08:16:10 UTC  

I honestly forgot this is a flat earth discord server

2019-09-16 08:16:15 UTC  

If god is real and so powerful why would he allow murder??

2019-09-16 08:16:19 UTC  

Of course free will with only one right answer is kind of one sided

2019-09-16 08:16:39 UTC  

Are you guys globe earthers?

2019-09-16 08:16:53 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:16:55 UTC  

"Nobody is typing..."

2019-09-16 08:16:56 UTC  

I am.
I am also an atheist.

2019-09-16 08:17:00 UTC  

yes, you're free to choose either Jesus, or eternal damnation

2019-09-16 08:17:13 UTC  

You are a globe earther @carlito

2019-09-16 08:17:22 UTC  

No lmao

2019-09-16 08:17:23 UTC  

@Siriusly I think it's clear you are an Atheist

2019-09-16 08:17:24 UTC  

You are a flat earther @Australian Guy

2019-09-16 08:17:28 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:17:28 UTC  

He's a mod and a flat earther

2019-09-16 08:17:35 UTC  

Oh ok

2019-09-16 08:17:42 UTC  

You can check people's roles

2019-09-16 08:18:02 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:18:05 UTC  

I'm just blind

2019-09-16 08:18:07 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:18:09 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:18:49 UTC  

Well I'm gonna go

2019-09-16 08:18:57 UTC  

I actually came in here looking to see why ppl thought the earth is flat

2019-09-16 08:19:00 UTC  

God bless you all

2019-09-16 08:19:13 UTC  
2019-09-16 08:19:19 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:20:03 UTC  

I was once staying in a place in China with some 20 other brothers. There was inadequate provision for bathing in the home where we stayed, so we went for a daily plunge in the river. On one occasion a brother had a cramp in one leg, and I suddenly saw he was sinking fast, so I motioned to another brother, who was an expert swimmer, to hasten to his rescue. But to my astonishment he made no move. So I grew desperate and called out: "Don't you see the man is drowning?" and the other brothers, about as agitated as I was, shouted vigorously too. But our good swimmer still did not move. Calm and collected, he remained just where he was, apparently postponing the unwelcome task. Meantime the voice of the poor drowning brother grew fainter and his efforts feebler. In my heart I said: "I hate that man! Think of his letting a brother drown before his very eyes and not going to the rescue!"

But when the man was actually sinking, with a few swift strokes the swimmer was at his side, and both were safely ashore. When I got an opportunity I aired my views. "I have never seen any Christian who loved his life quite as much as you do," I said. "Think of the distress you would have saved that brother if you had considered yourself a little less and him a little more." But the swimmer knew his business better than I did. "Had I gone earlier," he said, "he would have clutched me so fast that both of us would have gone under. A drowning man cannot be saved until he is utterly exhausted and ceases to make the slightest effort to save himself."

2019-09-16 08:20:15 UTC  

Amazing Story, God bless...Think about the story.

2019-09-16 08:21:04 UTC  

My attention span is way too short for this

2019-09-16 08:21:21 UTC  

it's worth the read

2019-09-16 08:21:59 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:22:19 UTC  

God is waiting for us to exhaust ourselves

2019-09-16 08:22:21 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:44:23 UTC  

Thats story actually hits different cuz the last time i went to church was for my friends funeral who coincidently drowned his brother almost did aswell trying to save him

2019-09-16 08:45:10 UTC

2019-09-16 08:49:34 UTC  

Mens what kinda sexiest sh** is that

2019-09-16 08:49:41 UTC  


2019-09-16 08:49:57 UTC  

Destructive mind control can be determined when the overall effect of these four components promotes dependency and obedience to some leader or cause; it is not necessary for every single item on the list to be present