Message from @Abe Lover

Discord ID: 625998353838112768

2019-09-24 10:09:37 UTC  

inside voice ?

2019-09-24 10:09:49 UTC  

you can hear that ?

2019-09-24 10:09:51 UTC  

Einstein stole all his works, an according to C J Bjerkness his 2nd wife, 1st cousin, did alot of his maths!

2019-09-24 10:09:56 UTC  

im having trouble finding the role ane

2019-09-24 10:10:05 UTC  

@spotonlevel not you pal, Ane 😉

2019-09-24 10:10:10 UTC  

oh you got it

2019-09-24 10:10:15 UTC  
2019-09-24 10:10:16 UTC  

he couldnt even comb his hair

2019-09-24 10:10:26 UTC  


2019-09-24 10:10:35 UTC  

Another puppet for the PsyOp

2019-09-24 10:11:03 UTC  

Einstein proposed nothing new!

2019-09-24 10:12:07 UTC  

There has been a deliberate suppression of scientific truth by the community of physicists and astronomers concerning the black hole and the big bang. I bring you free access to original papers in the hope that this fraud can be exposed and physics restored to a rational search for knowledge. The black hole has no foundation in theory whatsoever. Neither Newton's theory nor Einstein's theory predict it. In fact, both theories preclude it, contrary to what the relativists claim.

2019-09-24 10:12:10 UTC  

The so-called "Schwarzschild" solution is not due to Karl Schwarzschild at all. The experts have either not read Schwarzschild's 1916 memoir or have otherwise ignored it. Go here to get Schwarzschild's original paper, in English. The so-called "Schwarzschild" solution is due to David Hilbert, itself a corruption of a solution first derived by Johannes Droste in May 1916, whose paper has also been buried or ignored at the convenience of the experts. It appears that the experts have not read Hilbert either. Go here to get a copy of Hilbert's erroneous derivation, in English. Hilbert's mistake spawned the black hole and the community of theoretical physicists continues to elaborate on this falsehood, with a hostile shouting down of any and all voices challenging them. Schwarzschild's solution has no black hole, and neither does Droste's solution. And while you're at it you might as well go here to get a copy of Marcel Brillouin's 1923 paper, in English, in which he demonstrates that the black hole is nonsense. Brillouin's paper has also been ignored.

The 'experts' are always quick to conveniently brand anyone who questions the black hole as a crackpot. Unfortunately for the experts that does not alter the facts. The experts must also include Schwarzschild himself as a crank since his paper invalidates the black hole outright, as does Brillouin's, and Droste's. They must also label Einstein a crackpot, because Einstein always rejected the idea of the black hole, asserting in his research papers and other writings that it is not physical, and that singularities in his gravitational field nullify the theory of General Relativity.

2019-09-24 10:12:24 UTC  

It is also commonly held by experts, for example, Hawking and Ellis, Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, S. Chandrasekhar, that the Michell-Laplace dark body is a kind of black hole, and that black holes can be components of binary systems and that black holes can collide and merge. These claims are patently false. Go here for a copy of G. C. McVittie's conclusive arguments which invalidate these ridiculous claims. So if you are a scientific person you will read Schwarzschild's paper, and those of Droste, Hilbert, Brillouin, and McVittie. You have no legitimate excuse not to, as they are given to you herein. This is not a question of historical priority, as the relativist is apt to claim when confronted with reality, but one of fundamental science.

It is also claimed by the very same "experts" that the Universe is expanding. This is patently false.

Also listed below are my own research papers in which I prove that black holes are not consistent with General Relativity.

Here are some important original papers that deal with the Black Hole and the Big Bang. They prove that these theories are invalid.

2019-09-24 10:13:50 UTC  

My dad said groovy

2019-09-24 10:13:52 UTC  


2019-09-24 10:13:58 UTC  

Is that a crime?

2019-09-24 10:14:01 UTC  


2019-09-24 10:14:11 UTC  

He may need an old people home soon

2019-09-24 10:14:27 UTC  

Alright gonna be looking for places

2019-09-24 10:14:34 UTC  

kewl kewl

2019-09-24 10:15:47 UTC

2019-09-24 10:17:00 UTC

2019-09-24 10:19:49 UTC  
2019-09-24 10:20:09 UTC  

@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids you talking about frequency for hearing?

2019-09-24 10:20:37 UTC  

Fun fact 30+ yrs can't hear dog whistles (could be older range but my teacher is 35 so :/)

2019-09-24 10:20:43 UTC  


2019-09-24 10:21:12 UTC  

What's even cooler is some teens put dog whistles for their ring tone so teachers can't hear it

2019-09-24 10:24:22 UTC  


2019-09-24 10:24:34 UTC  

they cant hear dog whistles?

2019-09-24 10:31:47 UTC  

im gonna leave out of respect i don't wanna be angry and be mean

2019-09-24 10:35:34 UTC  

Is the earth flat?

2019-09-24 10:36:15 UTC  

@thanos depends on who you asking

2019-09-24 10:36:42 UTC  

i should sleep

2019-09-24 10:36:54 UTC  

If your business is anti-teens