Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids

Discord ID: 628858863596077056

2019-10-02 07:22:26 UTC  

Good morning πŸ˜ƒ

2019-10-02 07:22:29 UTC  

i remember that

2019-10-02 07:22:45 UTC  

it has been going into the sea anyway

2019-10-02 07:22:52 UTC  

but still is very bad

2019-10-02 07:23:41 UTC  

gwench how are you doing?

2019-10-02 07:26:10 UTC  

I’m good. Very tired but woke up in the middle of the night. πŸ™„

2019-10-02 07:28:01 UTC  

awe, not good

2019-10-02 07:28:40 UTC  

especially when youre working alot

2019-10-02 07:29:09 UTC  

Yeah. Ugh

2019-10-02 07:29:14 UTC

2019-10-02 07:29:14 UTC  


2019-10-02 07:29:27 UTC  


2019-10-02 07:29:48 UTC  

Yeah. That ones pretty funny. πŸ˜‚

2019-10-02 07:29:54 UTC  


2019-10-02 07:30:31 UTC  

heres 2 things that seem obvious to me

2019-10-02 07:32:09 UTC  

1. trans perfectly fits what the left defined as a social construct. 2. them trying to control you has nothing to do with their identity and everything to do with conditioning, controlling, and making you more submissive towards them, as they take a more dominant position

2019-10-02 07:34:57 UTC  


2019-10-02 07:36:22 UTC  

Everyone wants to do the right things. There is a deep need for the general person to want to be fair and liberal. They use this need against us.

2019-10-02 07:36:46 UTC  

they use your good nature against you

2019-10-02 07:38:18 UTC  

and, by making constant accussations and blowing up at you, they keep you off balance and on the defense, trying to show it to not be true, and to defend your character, which they attack constantly

2019-10-02 07:40:36 UTC  

this is part of what ive observed, not with you personally, just over the past few decades

2019-10-02 07:50:07 UTC  

as i said, using your better nature against you, tolerance is their trojan horse against you. nobody said they need to be tolerant towards you, and from what ive seen , theyre quite radicalized and intolerant. all this, too is usually in groups and/or involved in politics, the ones ive interacted with on an individual basis have been pretty pleasant

2019-10-02 08:08:50 UTC  
2019-10-02 08:18:02 UTC  


2019-10-02 08:18:41 UTC  

good morning

2019-10-02 08:19:13 UTC  

hey logrian πŸ™‚

2019-10-02 08:19:27 UTC  

Morning Attack, how do>? πŸ™‚

2019-10-02 08:19:33 UTC  

pretty good

2019-10-02 08:19:38 UTC  

how did you sleep?

2019-10-02 08:21:50 UTC  

not too bad, thanks, me neck things much better an I'm not throwin up, so thats nice πŸ™‚

2019-10-02 08:23:37 UTC  


2019-10-02 08:23:46 UTC  

im glad youre feeling better

2019-10-02 08:25:51 UTC  

Hello all

2019-10-02 08:26:08 UTC  

Morning Lampz, how do?

2019-10-02 08:26:15 UTC  

Thanks Attack πŸ™‚

2019-10-02 08:27:13 UTC  

I’m great haven’t been chatting in here recently so I thought I’d come back

2019-10-02 08:27:18 UTC  

How are you?

2019-10-02 08:27:50 UTC  

better now thanks πŸ™‚

2019-10-02 08:27:57 UTC  

Where you been?

2019-10-02 08:27:58 UTC  

I see you’ve been a little sick

2019-10-02 08:28:52 UTC  

I’ve been chatting with other servers about FE same ol same ol