Message from @Vitmar

Discord ID: 630446706105778196

2019-10-06 16:46:55 UTC  

It's right under your nose but you're too foolish to see it

2019-10-06 16:46:56 UTC  

๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป @Seeker of Truth

2019-10-06 16:47:03 UTC  

if the earth is flat then I am a scammer, all scientists are scammers and we should prob destroy all technology because it's all wrong

2019-10-06 16:47:06 UTC  

Surveyors' operations in the construction of railroads, tunnels, or canals are conducted without the slightest "allowance" being made for "curvature," although it is taught that this so-called allowance is absolutely necessary! This is a cutting proof that Earth is not a globe.

2019-10-06 16:47:20 UTC  

physics woud need to be redone

2019-10-06 16:47:25 UTC  

That's why Flat Earth is the biggest red pill. All of the institutions are feeding us lies

2019-10-06 16:47:29 UTC  

and nothing would make sense

2019-10-06 16:48:01 UTC  

see why it's hard to even start to think about the flat earth?

2019-10-06 16:48:02 UTC  

The official narrative is there to purposely deceive you.. by the controllers

2019-10-06 16:48:07 UTC  

All physics laws would have to be re written

2019-10-06 16:48:31 UTC  

They just have to be presented truthfully. The controllers already know the truth

2019-10-06 16:48:38 UTC  

And still it's impossible sincs tgeres something called gravity but ThAts FaKe

2019-10-06 16:48:43 UTC  

Lake Michigan is 577 feet above sea LEVEL... Lake Huron is 577 feet above sea LEVEL.. They are both equal? LEVEL? FLAT? No change. No curve. No GLOBE!!!

2019-10-06 16:48:44 UTC  

There are rivers that flow for hundreds of miles towards the level of the sea without falling more than a few feet - notably, the Nile, which, in a thousand miles, falls but a foot. A level expanse of this extent is quite incompatible with the idea of the Earth's "convexity." It is, therefore, a reasonable proof that Earth is not a globe.

2019-10-06 16:48:58 UTC  

what do you think aboutphysicians and engineers? Ron

2019-10-06 16:49:25 UTC  

Theyre smart enough to not ask qiestions ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-10-06 16:49:35 UTC  

@Logrian ๐Ÿ‘‹

2019-10-06 16:49:38 UTC  

Have you checked the actual specifications of the Earth? Have you ever measured convexity of standing water? @Vitmar

2019-10-06 16:50:01 UTC  

Then why can you map a route which makes 3 90ยฐturns with the same distance between each and land in the same point you started

2019-10-06 16:50:04 UTC  

actual specifications of earth?

2019-10-06 16:50:07 UTC  

what do you mean by that?

2019-10-06 16:50:15 UTC  

Wouldnt work on a flat surface would it

2019-10-06 16:50:17 UTC  

and convexity of standing water's a tricky thing

2019-10-06 16:50:59 UTC  

@Logrian well, we do ask questions, we literally make experiments that confirm that physics makes sense

2019-10-06 16:51:00 UTC  

If water is LEVEL the Earth is FLAT., because 70% of the surface is covered in water. Figure that out and you'll know the TRUTH

2019-10-06 16:51:15 UTC  

Great argument

2019-10-06 16:51:24 UTC  

your not taking many things into consideration

2019-10-06 16:51:29 UTC  

The lights which are exhibited in lighthouses are seen by navigators at distances at which, according to the scale of the supposed "curvature" given by astronomers, they ought to be many hundreds of feet, in some cases, down below the line of sight! For instance: the light at Cape Hatteras is seen at such a distance (40 miles) that, according. to theory, it ought to be nine-hundred feet higher above the level of the sea than it absolutely is, in order to be visible! This is a conclusive proof that there is no "curvature," on the surface of the sea - "the level of the sea,"- ridiculous though it is to be under the necessity of proving it at all: but it is, nevertheless, a conclusive proof that the Earth is not a globe.

2019-10-06 16:51:38 UTC  

Actually itโ€™s more like 71% of the earth is water

2019-10-06 16:51:40 UTC  

why can you draw a triangle on a ball with 3 90deg angles?

2019-10-06 16:51:53 UTC  

Hehe. Sorry

2019-10-06 16:51:58 UTC  

but cannot follow said route on earth?

2019-10-06 16:52:02 UTC  

You can

2019-10-06 16:52:12 UTC  

no body has

2019-10-06 16:52:16 UTC  

If we stand on the sands of the sea-shore and watch a ship approach us, we shall find that she will apparently "rise" - to the extent, of her own height, nothing more. If we stand upon an eminence, the same law operates still; and it is but the law of perspective, which causes objects, as they approach us, to appear to increase in size until we see them, close to us, the size they are in fact. That there is no other "rise" than the one spoken of is plain from the fact that, no matter how high we ascend above the level of the sea, the horizon rises on and still on as we rise, so that it is always on a level with the eye, though it be two-hundred miles away, as seen by Mr. J. Glaisher, of England, from Mr. Coxwell's balloon. So that a ship five miles away may be imagined to be "coming up" the imaginary downward curve of the Earth's surface, but if we merely ascend a hill such as Federal Hill, Baltimore, we may see twenty-!five miles away, on a level with the eye - that is, twenty miles level distance beyond the ship that we vainly imagined to be " rounding the curve," and "coming up!" This is a plain proof that the Earth is not a globe.

2019-10-06 16:52:42 UTC  

Because nobody bother to proof something that has been proven many times and is known already

2019-10-06 16:52:56 UTC  

actually, if you take a telescope you can see the ship isn't getting bigger, it's actually rising from the horizon

2019-10-06 16:52:57 UTC  

And it can be mapped on official flight charts

2019-10-06 16:53:02 UTC  

but that needs a lot of distance

2019-10-06 16:53:11 UTC  

@Ronin it's easier for you to believe a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth

2019-10-06 16:53:11 UTC  

we should make this experiment