Message from @1butterscotch

Discord ID: 632660503155441692

2019-10-12 18:56:09 UTC  


2019-10-12 18:56:29 UTC  


2019-10-12 19:03:15 UTC  

I got muted lol. @BigCal @Tony Bamanaboni

2019-10-12 19:04:59 UTC  

Right let me know when this faggot kill himself, so I can get unmuted. @BigCal

2019-10-12 19:06:21 UTC  
2019-10-12 19:06:35 UTC  
2019-10-12 19:06:35 UTC  

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Canute**#8779

2019-10-12 19:07:55 UTC  


2019-10-12 19:12:03 UTC  

Looks like 911

2019-10-12 19:14:25 UTC  

Oh crap I know canute from another server. Quite strange that we meet here

2019-10-12 19:16:57 UTC  

The earth is fat

2019-10-12 19:17:35 UTC  

and that's a fact

2019-10-12 19:24:37 UTC  

hey sorry im new to discord

2019-10-12 19:24:50 UTC  

nope sorry only text

2019-10-12 19:25:08 UTC  

you have a very nice voice young man

2019-10-12 19:25:28 UTC  

honestly im not sure yet

2019-10-12 19:25:33 UTC  

im here to decide

2019-10-12 19:26:53 UTC  

i mean all the NASA images

2019-10-12 19:26:58 UTC  

seem kinda fake

2019-10-12 19:27:30 UTC  

and you heard about the person who worked for them? he said he was paid to photoshop them

2019-10-12 19:27:53 UTC  

i think its the Russians

2019-10-12 19:29:52 UTC  

you know you're asking some very interesting questions cause i dont really see a point in a global conspiracy

2019-10-12 19:30:08 UTC  

Keeping us ignorant

2019-10-12 19:30:15 UTC  

So we’re like sheep

2019-10-12 19:31:49 UTC  

yeah I think at this point someone would say something cause people are not that good at keeping secrets

2019-10-12 19:31:55 UTC  

nice point

2019-10-12 19:33:03 UTC  

but what do the governments get from hiding this? what does that change, why round earth is better and people are better not knowing that it's actually flat?

2019-10-12 19:33:05 UTC  


2019-10-12 19:33:13 UTC  

have you seen netflix documentary behind the curve?

2019-10-12 19:35:33 UTC  

yeah well if earth really is flat then they've gone through a whole lot of effort to hide it so there must be an exceptionally good set of reasons that motivates them to hide it

2019-10-12 19:36:37 UTC  

the documentary shows that a lot of people are into the flat earth conspiracy just to feel like they belong to something bigger. like their leader Mark Sargent is in it to feel like a celebrity cause he's just some regular american dude but to them he is The Leader of the movement

2019-10-12 19:38:43 UTC  

whatever it is that you mightve thought about Mark Seargent and Behind the curve, and whether he's a leader / or a shill or whether he is not, it does not change the fact that evidence points towards earth being mostly flat

2019-10-12 19:39:26 UTC  

but what is the evidence exactly?

2019-10-12 19:40:39 UTC  

if you have not yet researched or looked into the evidence whatsoever, then i guess you have a long way to go

2019-10-12 19:41:08 UTC  

and we are not here prove or provide evidence on demand

2019-10-12 19:41:19 UTC  

i mean if id only taken into account the things that i saw myself id still be in the stone age

2019-10-12 19:42:02 UTC  

like i said, you have a very long path ahead if you're interested in obtaining evidence

2019-10-12 19:42:09 UTC  

which it seems you are not

2019-10-12 19:42:41 UTC  

Ron, but everyone knows that Santa is fake? it's not like EVERYONE is conspiring to keep it a secret