Message from @えlizか

Discord ID: 633234467787374602

2019-10-14 09:22:03 UTC  

Sounds like fun we work with the navy occasionally

2019-10-14 09:22:05 UTC  

Pretty easy job

2019-10-14 09:22:39 UTC  

Jobs a job long as it pays the bills

2019-10-14 09:22:50 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:22:53 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:23:06 UTC  

Marine biologist is pretty cool as far as jobs go

2019-10-14 09:23:44 UTC  

Its mainly paperwork tbh not as glorified as the animal channel makes it look lol

2019-10-14 09:24:04 UTC  

We do like 2 or 3 expeditions like maybe every other year

2019-10-14 09:24:57 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:25:04 UTC  

hi avery

2019-10-14 09:25:28 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:25:29 UTC  

Like this year we went and studied these crabs that live on an active volcano underwater it was awesome. Hello avery

2019-10-14 09:25:36 UTC  

good morning mag

2019-10-14 09:25:54 UTC  

Hey mag

2019-10-14 09:26:09 UTC  

hi everyone

2019-10-14 09:26:15 UTC  

how's it going

2019-10-14 09:26:23 UTC  

alright. yourself?

2019-10-14 09:26:36 UTC  

i'm fine

2019-10-14 09:26:40 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:26:49 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:27:42 UTC  

so do you believe in flat earth

2019-10-14 09:27:50 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:28:01 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:28:23 UTC  

Because i dont i haven't seen enough evidence to convince me

2019-10-14 09:28:50 UTC  

Im a scientist i believe in evidents

2019-10-14 09:29:11 UTC  

what is evidents?

2019-10-14 09:29:33 UTC  

what is the evidence for round earth then

2019-10-14 09:29:37 UTC  

My crappy spelling lol

2019-10-14 09:30:08 UTC  

odd that a scientist would have faulty spelling

2019-10-14 09:30:19 UTC  

Lol i just type fast

2019-10-14 09:31:55 UTC  

Mag theres photos, video, you can mathematically check. No one has ever had a real photo or videos of the ice wall or this dome thats referred to alot

2019-10-14 09:32:20 UTC  

well we dont know if photos from goverment are real

2019-10-14 09:32:28 UTC  

claims require the burden of proof gan

2019-10-14 09:32:52 UTC  

And i can say the same thing about any proof you may have about the flat earth

2019-10-14 09:33:09 UTC  

Im not claiming mag asked me what i believe

2019-10-14 09:33:15 UTC  

i havent made a claim, so you just failed to shift the burden of proof

2019-10-14 09:34:00 UTC  

Cat that was a response to mags claim about the government

2019-10-14 09:34:16 UTC  

your claim. right

2019-10-14 09:34:41 UTC  

GantorkToday at 4:30 AM
Lol i just type fast
Mag theres photos, video, you can mathematically check. No one has ever had a real photo or videos of the ice wall or this dome thats referred to alot

2019-10-14 09:34:54 UTC  

No i believe the earth is a sphere. What you believe is your business im not here to try and change ur mind

2019-10-14 09:35:05 UTC  

are you sure?