Message from @Charlie

Discord ID: 471409069861896192

2018-07-24 20:08:20 UTC  

Within five years, thousands of people had bought into Raniere’s hype and taken his seminars at satellite centers across the countries, including high-profile figures like Black Entertainment Television co-founder Sheila Johnson, former US Surgeon General Antonia Novello and Emiliano Salinas, the son of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

2018-07-24 20:08:36 UTC  

Just asking for a summary from @Dina

2018-07-24 20:08:41 UTC  

Well that was rude.

2018-07-24 20:08:53 UTC  

Nazi stands for National Socialism. It was the idea of bringing together Government and industrialists to build and expand Germany in Europe. Thus, there was a large case of crony capitalism involved. These rich industrialists, gave large donations of cash, property to the party and then enriched themselves further with the pre-war infrastructure building and the war effort. From QUORA

2018-07-24 20:09:12 UTC  

Among those who signed up were Canadian actress Sarah Edmondson and India Oxenberg, the daughter of “Dynasty” star Catherine Oxenberg.

2018-07-24 20:09:19 UTC  


2018-07-24 20:09:36 UTC  

@Dina @Q Incidents Is asking about articles because she's driving and can't read. LOL

2018-07-24 20:09:47 UTC  


2018-07-24 20:10:10 UTC  

Within five years, thousands of people had bought into Raniere’s hype and taken his seminars at satellite centers across the countries, including high-profile figures like Black Entertainment Television co-founder Sheila Johnson, former US Surgeon General Antonia Novello and Emiliano Salinas, the son of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

2018-07-24 20:10:34 UTC

2018-07-24 20:10:52 UTC  

It it a problem to listen into the chat to get a feel for it?

2018-07-24 20:10:53 UTC

2018-07-24 20:10:54 UTC  

I'll wait while you switch back over to the other bot... @Sara

2018-07-24 20:11:05 UTC  
2018-07-24 20:11:17 UTC  

@Q Incidents not a bot

2018-07-24 20:11:20 UTC  

Why doThey call them the stands
When we are always sitting down

2018-07-24 20:11:30 UTC  

@you want to meet our bot?

2018-07-24 20:11:38 UTC  

Do not know if ***FREEDOM RINGS*** will feature callers today since we got sex... er.. Q drops. Think you know everything you need to know about the drops, come prove it on air in the Prescreen room.

2018-07-24 20:11:38 UTC  


2018-07-24 20:11:43 UTC  

An actress who starred in the Dynasty soap opera has spoken of her struggle to free her daughter India from a secret "cult" that she claims has brainwashed her.

Catherine Oxenberg said the 26-year-old had become involved with a secret sorority within the Nxivm group, described by its founder Keith Raniere as an educational coaching business.

But former members have accused the 57-year-old of manipulating his followers into having sex with him and encouraging them to follow 800 calorie "starvation" diets.


inRead invented by Teads

2018-07-24 20:11:43 UTC  


2018-07-24 20:11:44 UTC  

Mmkay. Lol if you insist @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋

2018-07-24 20:12:04 UTC  

The 56-year-old said India began recruiting friends to the group and spending all of her money on attending seminars. She added that her daughter looked "emaciated" after following a strict diet prescribed by the group.

2018-07-24 20:12:07 UTC

2018-07-24 20:12:20 UTC  

India later moved to Albany to be closer to the group's headquarters, but Ms Oxenberg said she did not want to interfere in her daughter's life.

2018-07-24 20:12:23 UTC  

Just ask them questions

2018-07-24 20:12:31 UTC  

@Q Incidents come on mic

2018-07-24 20:12:33 UTC  
2018-07-24 20:12:34 UTC  

But she said she felt compelled to speak out after a former member Bonnie Piesse claimed India had joined a "secret sisterhood" in the group, whose members are branded with Raniere's initials,

She said Ms Piesse had urged her to "save your daughter".

Ms Oxenberg spoke out days after The New York Times published a report on the group's alleged practices based on testimony from former members.

2018-07-24 20:12:34 UTC  

please talk to the newbies about turning OFF push-to-talk when going on ***FREEDOM RINGS***

2018-07-24 20:12:53 UTC  

@Sara speaks to us... a bot is a piece of software

2018-07-24 20:13:00 UTC  

@ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋 can you run with 412 today?

2018-07-24 20:13:01 UTC  

Both India and Nxivm have strongly denied the allegations.

"Thank you for your care and concern it's been an incredibly sad situation and I've been anticipating this article," India wrote on Facebook. "I'm absolutely fine, great actually. I would never put myself or the people I love into any danger.

"These are my friends and colleagues I've never seen anything but good come out of this work."

District attorney says no investigation into R Kelly 'cult' claims
A statement on Nxivm's website read: "The allegations relayed in the story are built upon sources, some of which are under criminal investigation or already indicted, who act as a coordinated group. This story might be a criminal product of criminal minds who, in the end, are also hurting the victims of the story.

"Unfortunately, this media outlet fell prey to these coordinated, criminal efforts. NXIVM was not able to participate in this story because it painfully held true to the due process of our free world justice system.

2018-07-24 20:13:10 UTC  

I'm listening while working. Off in 15