Message from @retiredDep

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2018-07-26 03:14:33 UTC  

Outgoing Alabama state Rep. Randy Davis, R-Daphne, has been indicted on two counts connected to a federal statehouse bribery investigation.

Davis is the latest lawmaker to be indicted in this case. Outgoing Rep. Jack Williams, R-Vestavia, lobbyist Marty Connors, and Trina Health CEO Ford Gilbert were indicted in April 2018.

Davis was arraigned Wednesday afternoon. He was later released on a signature bond and declined to comment as he left the federal courthouse in Montgomery with his attorney.

This investigation was set in motion following the subsequent investigation and conviction of former Rep. Micky Hammon, who served time in federal prison.

Davis is a four-term representative covering portions of Baldwin and Mobile Counties. He’s charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States and violation of the Travel Act for reportedly using email to facilitate a bribery scheme.

Court documents indicate the case is centered on advancing the interests of Trina Health, which opened clinics in south Alabama offering intravenous treatments for diabetics. The indictment stated Trina Health ran its operations as a pyramid scheme where first level investors could recruit second tier investors, etc. to advance the company.

The court document cites that Hammon and Davis were promised ownership in the company in exchange for recruiting investors.

When Blue Cross Blue Shield no longer reimbursed for the IV treatment for diabetes, the indictment alleges Hammon, Davis, and Williams worked with lobbyists and other defendants to create House Bill 415 to force BCBS-AL to reimburse for the treatment.

The indictment alleges in 2016 Williams asked that the bill be assigned to his committee, in which he scheduled a public hearing where Davis advocated for the committee to vote in favor of HB415.

2018-07-26 03:14:48 UTC  

All securities, all financial transactions, all bonds.. everything clears through the DTCC. They own EVERYTHING. There's a reason it says "THE TOWER OF POWER" above the doors in new york city.

2018-07-26 03:15:01 UTC  

The purpose of the conspiracy was for Defendant Gilbert to persuade or force BCBS-AL to cover [the treatment] and for Rep. Hammon and Defendant–Representative Davis to enrich themselves”, the indictment stated.

The indictment cites Davis received things of value to pressure other members of the House, amend a bill that had already been introduced in the 2016 session, and testify before a committee in favor of Trina Health.

Williams is not charged in the superseding indictment filed on July 24, however, he remains charged in the initial indictment with three counts, which has not been dismissed. The U.S. Attorney’s Office confirms its working to resolve Williams’ case, but would not comment further.

Attempts to reach Williams' attorney to discuss the lack of charges in the superseding indictment was unsuccessful.

Marty Connors issued a statement that reads:

"My family and I continue to appreciate the overwhelming support from our friends and

2018-07-26 03:15:22 UTC  

WATCH: Former Senate candidate Roy Moore announced a lawsuit against a supe PAC that ran ads against him >>

2018-07-26 03:16:16 UTC  

it can all be unwound

2018-07-26 03:16:33 UTC  
2018-07-26 03:17:45 UTC  

yall remember a few years back when the MSM started rolling out the whole "so you mean we all basically work for the banks" stuff???

2018-07-26 03:19:10 UTC  

There is no R....only VGER

2018-07-26 03:20:32 UTC  

geez -- i missed 8 new Q posts !!

2018-07-26 03:20:47 UTC  

AMBER ALERT: Aila Nyelle Vesterby, 11, is believed be in danger. She is suspected to be with Kelly James Vesterby, 48. They may be traveling in a 2002 blue Hyundai Santa Fe with Idaho license plate 3292V. Please help get the word out!

2018-07-26 03:21:53 UTC  

bah wrong channel

2018-07-26 03:22:04 UTC  

PHOENIX (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union is spending $720,000 in the U.S. Senate race in Arizona to send people into neighborhoods to hand out fliers and run a TV commercial critical of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio's treatment of immigrants.

The legal advocacy group normally stays out of political races, but it is getting involved in the Arizona campaign and other races across the country to emphasize the importance of civil liberties to voters, said Steve Kilar, a spokesman for the ACLU's affiliate in Arizona.
"Joe Arpaio's record in particular is so emblematic of what can happen if people aren't paying attention to civil liberty records of the people they are electing," Kilar said, adding that the group doesn't endorse candidates and instead gives voters information so they can make decisions on issues affecting civil liberties. The $720,000 spent by the ACLU in the Arizona race includes $400,000 in expenditures reported Wednesday.

2018-07-26 03:22:24 UTC  

The ACLU was the driving force behind a nearly 11-year-old lawsuit that challenged Arpaio's signature traffic patrols targeting immigrants, eventually leading a federal judge to rule that sheriff's deputies had systemically racially profiled Latinos.
The case brought the worst legal defeats in Arpaio's 24-year tenure as metro Phoenix's sheriff, including a criminal contempt of court conviction for intentionally disobeying the judge's orders to stop his immigration patrols. Arpaio, now 86, was spared a possible jail sentence when he was pardoned nearly a year ago by President Donald Trump.
Arpaio said the ACLU is worried that he'll win the Aug. 28 GOP primary and will move on to beat U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, considered the front-runner among Democrats, in the Nov. 6 general election. "I am pretty happy that they are worried about me," Arpaio said.
In the past, local ACLU affiliates have done political advocacy, but the effort in the Arizona Senate race marks the first time the group's national office has participated in voter education efforts in a federal election, Kilar said. "Nationally, I will say that this isn't the last time you will see it happen," Kilar said.
Faiz Shakir, the ACLU's national political director, said the group's new emphasis on political advocacy was driven by a flood of new members who joined after Trump was elected and were concerned that the new president posed a threat to civil liberties.

2018-07-26 03:22:42 UTC  

Donald Trump lit a fire under the ACLU and its membership and gave us an additional power and strength that we didn't have before," Shakir said.
In recent months, the group's political activities include a seven-figure ad buy to try to raise awareness about immigrant children being separated from their parents, ads in Alaska and Maine calling for Trump's Supreme Court nominee to declare a position on the decision that legalized abortion, and spent $170,000 in a sheriff's race in Mecklenburg Count, North Carolina.
The 30-second ad running in Tucson and Phoenix says Arpaio terrorized Latinos and immigrants for years and that his GOP opponents, U.S. Rep. Martha McSally and former state Sen. Kelli Ward, have joined Arpaio in his anti-immigrant views. It shows images of Arpaio with Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, detained immigrant children who were separated from their parents, and an image of the outdoor complex of jail tents that helped make Arpaio famous.
"Dr. Ward is proud to stand with President Trump and will never apologize for leading the charge to secure the border; pathetic attacks from the ACLU certainly will not change her position and won't move the voters of Arizona at all," Ward spokesman Zachery Henry said in a statement.
McSally spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair didn't return a phone call and email seeking comment on the ACLU's criticism of McSally's views on immigration.

2018-07-26 03:22:59 UTC  

In past decades, the ACLU has tried to shape public opinion on a variety of political issues, such showing its opposition to a movement in the 1940s to bar radical groups from appearing on the ballot, said Samuel Walker, a professor emeritus of criminology at the University of Nebraska and author of a history of the nearly 100-year old group.
After the U.S. Supreme Court became more conservative in the 1970s and 1980s, the ACLU built up its political lobbying efforts in Washington under the belief that it could choke off bad proposals in Congress, rather than waiting for them to become law and having to challenge them in court, said Walker, who is also a member of the ACLU.
"The ebb and flow of it depends on changing external circumstances," Walker said. "So the election of Donald Trump and an attack on a broad range of civil liberty issues has brought advocacy to the fore."
Follow Jacques Billeaud at His work can be found at

2018-07-26 03:23:24 UTC

2018-07-26 03:23:42 UTC  

While North Korea has started deconstruction of the Sohae Satellite Launching Station, analysts still believe there's a severe nuclear threat.

2018-07-26 03:24:02 UTC

2018-07-26 03:24:06 UTC  

Dassault falcon

2018-07-26 03:24:44 UTC  

someone throw that hash code into chat

2018-07-26 03:26:21 UTC  


2018-07-26 03:28:27 UTC  

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) - Jane Fonda says she's still confronted by Vietnam veterans over her anti-war activism and welcomes the encounters.

Such moments provide an opportunity to talk, she says, which needs to be done with what Fonda called "an open mind and a soft heart."

The actress drew bitter criticism after being photographed atop an anti-aircraft gun during a controversial 1972 visit to North Vietnam. Meeting with TV critics Wednesday to discuss a new HBO documentary on her life, she expressed regret for that moment.

She says it was thoughtless to perch on the gun and called it "horrible" to think about the message her action sent to troops and their families.

It was an earlier meeting with U.S. soldiers in Paris that sparked her activism, Fonda says.

2018-07-26 03:30:43 UTC