Message from @Q Incidents

Discord ID: 472521329426432023

2018-07-27 21:47:40 UTC  

He did a good ton of Las Vegas investigation videos. Never let it go. He go inside the hotel and recorded. All sorts of follow up. Til YouTube kicked him. Then he started on Vimeo. Really good but he could get an attitude with chat pretty bad. He also had a doomsday company called MFA. Pretty heavy investors.

2018-07-27 21:48:18 UTC  

@penelope he died?

2018-07-27 21:48:21 UTC  

I just got here lol

2018-07-27 21:48:23 UTC  

All member-states should be clear on where they stand regarding Hamas by voting in support of the amendment,” Currie said.
Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon added that both the Israelis held are “mentally disabled and in need of immediate medical attention. They [Hamas] also refuse to permit visits by the Red Cross or any other third party, or to provide information about their fate or condition.”

“We see that some countries here cannot name Hamas when it comes to condemning who is responsible for holding the bodies of Israelis,” Danon said.

The Palestinian representatives told Danon, “You would have a much stronger argument if Israel was not withholding dozens of Palestinian bodies... This practice has been going on for years.”

“Once you pursue this policy it makes it harder to be credible denouncing it,” the Palestinian representative said.

He spoke in reference to Israel’s practice, in some cases, of withholding the bodies of Palestinian terrorists responsible for killing Israelis.

At the request of the EU, the ECOSOC states approved a compromise text that spoke generally of the release of all bodies withheld as part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Deploring the practice of withholding the bodies of those killed, and calling for the release of the bodies that have not yet been returned to their relatives, in line with international humanitarian law and human rights law, in order to ensure dignified closure in accordance with their religious beliefs and traditions.”

After the vote, Uruguay said that it supported both amendments from Israel and the EU that spoke of the return of prisoners or bodies.

“It is unpleasant to speculate or otherwise argue about bodies. It is almost immoral if we do not have clarity on these concepts.
“We have no difficulty to name the groups which obstinately refuse to return” those bodies or those people who may have “inadvertently” crossed a border in a conflict area,

2018-07-27 21:48:53 UTC  

Too bad all the@mentions in media about Scott Binsack is going back a decade of a crime he paid for. So now his legacy looks different than it turned around to.

2018-07-27 21:48:57 UTC  

Janna Deplorable (@JannaWilkinso69) Tweeted:


2018-07-27 21:49:07 UTC  

👉 GOP Rep. Holds Liberal Social Media Platforms’ ‘Feet To The Fire’ 👈 Jul 27, 2018

2018-07-27 21:49:11 UTC

2018-07-27 21:49:18 UTC  

No this is not a hate crime

2018-07-27 21:49:20 UTC  

@JonJon According to Binsack's daughter, he died of heart problems in Las Vegas. He was 48 years old.

2018-07-27 21:49:22 UTC  

The larger pro-Palestinian resolution against Israel approved by ECOSOC, over the objections of only the United States and Canada, included 22 statements including a call to cease settlement and end all restrictions at the Gaza crossings. All ECOSOC EU member states supported the larger resolution.

An Israeli representative told the council that the larger resolution failed to mention that “Hamas controls Gaza through violence, repression, denial of basic human rights and the misuse of resources.” Nor, does the text deal with Palestinian corruption, she said.
Currie said: “The resolution and the [accompanying] report are unbalanced, and unfairly single out Israel in a forum that is not intended to be politicized.”

“This document only serves to inflame both sides of the conflict and complicate our shared goal of advancing Israeli and Palestinian peace,” Currie said. “Billions of dollars have been invested in Gaza over the past 70 years, yet as the report notes, still over half of the population lives below the poverty line.”

The primary culprit for the situation in Gaza is Hamas, not Israel, Currie said.

“Hamas must acknowledge that the existence of Israel is a permanent reality, and that the Palestinian Authority is the legitimate governing body in the Gaza Strip.

“Hamas should stop diverting funds intended for infrastructure to purchasing weapons or other nefarious uses and instead work towards peace and the prosperity of its own citizens rather than nursing their sense of grievance and victim-hood,” she said.
The Palestinian representative said, “This is not an anti-Israel resolution. This is an anti-colonialism, pro-right to self determination resolution.

2018-07-27 21:49:22 UTC  

Don’t be silly

2018-07-27 21:49:37 UTC  

It is because Israel has chosen to be a colonial power that it is criticized for its violations. If it makes a different choice, and the international community should push it and force it that direction than the attitude and the resolutions would be extremely different,” the Palestinian representative said.

“Can the UN take any stance except being opposed to colonialism and in favor of the right of self-determination or should it make an exception because it is the Palestinians and the Palestinian people and it is Israel,” the representatives said.

2018-07-27 21:49:50 UTC  

It’s a crime yes, but not a hate crime lol 😂

2018-07-27 21:50:12 UTC  

Daniel F. Baranowski (@DFBHarvard) Tweeted:
Given the DEMOCRATS unprecedented resistance, obstruction, & meddling in the Business of Trump's Presidential Administration ~

President Trump should be given a 3rd Term!

All in Favor of a 3rd Term say "Aye" & Retweet


2018-07-27 21:50:26 UTC  

Happy Friday Everyone!

2018-07-27 21:50:50 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu lol those guys are egging you on!

2018-07-27 21:50:58 UTC

2018-07-27 21:51:03 UTC  

Glorious Friday!

2018-07-27 21:51:12 UTC  

Stay indoors tonight...the blood moon will bring out the crazies. 😃

2018-07-27 21:51:14 UTC  

💥 Are The Leftists Now Excusing Political Violence? 💥

2018-07-27 21:51:28 UTC  

Aggressive Terror': Over 200 Israeli Rabbis Slam LGBT Groups as 'Deviants'
Rabbis sign open letter supporting Jerusalem rabbi who was harshly criticized for his support of the new law blocking surrogacy for same-sex couples

Aaron RabinowitzSendSend me email alerts
Jul 27, 2018 9:35 PM
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Protesters shout slogans during a LGBT community members protest against discriminatory surrogate bill in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 22, 2018.
Protesters shout slogans during a LGBT community members protest against discriminatory surrogate bill in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 22, 2018.\ CORINNA KERN/ REUTERS
LGBT struggle may prove infectious in fight to save Israel's liberal society
Regardless of religion, race or gender
Mass Tel Aviv rally caps day of nation-wide protests against anti-LGBT discrimination
More than 200 rabbis, including Orthodox local chief rabbis and yeshiva heads, signed an open letter on Thursday in support of Jerusalem Rabbi Aryeh Stern, who had come under fire for his scathing criticism earlier in the week against the practice of same-sex couples raising children. The rabbis blasted organizations fighting for LGBT rights, calling them “deviants” and an abomination, and labeling their conduct “aggressive terrorism.”
Stern said LGBT couples’ children “could very possibly be miserable in the end, maybe not as small children, but when they grow up and find themselves in this unnatural situation. It seems to me that this will make them very unhappy and that they would have a really difficult life.”

2018-07-27 21:51:33 UTC  

@Powder 💜 oh I know! :) Love it

2018-07-27 21:51:43 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu since Pamphlet just left a gun store and wants a gun talk to him about it.

2018-07-27 21:51:55 UTC  

7 mag Leopold scope

2018-07-27 21:51:57 UTC  

The open letter in support of Stern said he had spoken “bravely and simply about our holy Torah’s eternal truth and of human normality, which the healthy majority in Israel identifies with and is outraged by the provocations of the abomination organizations...even on Tisha B’Av, a national day of mourning for the destruction of the Temple, which was destroyed among other things over incest and baseless hatred.”

The open letter states that LGBT groups have engaged in violent behavior and “terror” and that they have silenced and attacked anyone who supports family values. “The aggressive terror accompanied by media brainwashing day and night” was intended to “destroy the institution of the family and turn the deviants into heroes.” This attempt, the statement said, will not succeed, “nor will gagging rabbis and sane people, turning them into crazy radicals.”
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2018-07-27 21:52:19 UTC  

@Powder 💜 hahaha lmao!!!

2018-07-27 21:52:24 UTC  

Bolt action 7mag I should say

2018-07-27 21:52:33 UTC  

So has wounded baraccuda personality been talking?

2018-07-27 21:52:55 UTC  

@Magnify ✝ Q 👉MAGA-KAG Why aren't you in pre-screening 😃

2018-07-27 21:53:08 UTC

2018-07-27 21:53:19 UTC  

Love that!

2018-07-27 21:53:21 UTC

2018-07-27 21:53:26 UTC

2018-07-27 21:53:57 UTC  

LOL, I have to get/make a vehicle like that

2018-07-27 21:54:36 UTC