Message from @ArmyVetgrl

Discord ID: 472795629802881034

2018-07-28 15:55:48 UTC  

You have gained a rank @bing00, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-07-28 15:55:54 UTC  

@Sara strange how the ufo's have declined since trump

2018-07-28 15:56:35 UTC  

@retiredDep had a quick look will go to sleep listening to them😉

2018-07-28 15:56:38 UTC  

@Grand Torino good day, hope things are fine with you

2018-07-28 15:56:58 UTC

2018-07-28 15:57:06 UTC  

@retiredDep gt is afk

2018-07-28 15:57:17 UTC  

Ok thanks

2018-07-28 15:59:02 UTC

2018-07-28 15:59:38 UTC  

VATICAN CITY (AP) - In a move described as unprecedented, Pope Francis has effectively stripped U.S. prelate Theodore McCarrick of his cardinal's title and rank following allegations of sexual abuse, including one involving an 11-year-old boy. The Vatican announced on Saturday that Francis ordered McCarrick to conduct a "life of prayer and penance" even before a church trial is held.

Breaking with past practice, Francis decided to act swiftly in the case of the emeritus archbishop of Washington, D.C., even before the accusations can be investigated by church officials. McCarrick was previously one of the highest, most well-known Catholic church officials in the United States and was heavily involved in the church's response there to allegations of priestly abuse.

The pope has ordered McCarrick's "suspension from the exercise of any public ministry, together with the obligation to remain in a house yet to be indicated to him, for a life of prayer and penance until the accusations made against him are examined in a regular canonical trial."

Among the boys McCarrick allegedly abused was a child he had baptized shortly after he was ordained a priest.

Francis received McCarrick's letter offering to resign from the College of Cardinals Friday evening, after recent weeks brought a spate of allegations that the 88-year-old prelate had for years sexually abused boys and had sexual misconduct with seminarians. The McCarrick case posed a test of the pontiff's recently declared resolve to battle what he called a "culture of cover-up" of similar abuses in the Catholic church's hierarchy.

The Vatican didn't say where McCarrick would be confined nor when a church trial might begin. The order suspending him from public ministry effectively approved a measure already taken against McCarrick since last month.

A Catholic University canon law expert, Kurt Martens, noted this was the first time an order of penance and prayer had been issued before a church trial takes place.

2018-07-28 15:59:44 UTC

2018-07-28 15:59:46 UTC  

here they are

2018-07-28 15:59:58 UTC  

Rom 1:28 ¶ And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

2018-07-28 15:59:59 UTC  

U.S. Catholics who have followed sexual abuse scandals involving clergy hailed stripping McCarrick of cardinal's rank as an unprecedented shift in how the Vatican has dealt with allegations against top churchmen.

"The Vatican almost never moves at this speed," said Terence McKiernan, of, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit group that tracks clergy sexual abuse cases.

The pope appears to "understand the gravity of the situation and further harm to the Catholic church's status," he said in a telephone interview.

In the case of Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien, accused by former seminarians in 2013 of sexual misconduct, Francis only accepted his resignation after the Vatican's top abuse prosecutor conducted a full investigation, two years after the first revelations came out.

McCarrick had been already removed from public ministry since June 20, pending a full investigation into allegations that he fondled a teenager over 40 years ago in New York City. A man, who was 11 at the time of the first alleged instance of abuse, says a sexually abusive relationship continued for two more decades.

McCarrick denied the initial allegation.

The Rev. James Martin, the editor-at-large at America Magazine, which covers U.S. and worldwide church issues, tweeted that McCarrick's resignation means "means removal of the titles Cardinal' and 'Your Eminence."

Since McCarrick is over 80, he was already no longer eligible to vote in a conclave to elect the next pope. But being a cardinal is a top honor of the church, and those elevated to that rank are called upon to advise the pope.

2018-07-28 16:00:18 UTC

2018-07-28 16:00:18 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Skeeve, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-07-28 16:00:23 UTC  

Now McCarrick is no longer a cardinal.

Martin, a Jesuit like Francis, noted that Bernard Law was allowed to stay a cardinal after he resigned as Boston archbishop, following revelations that he had sanctioned the systematic cover-up of pedophile priests while presiding over that U.S. diocese.

After resigning his Boston post, Law was transferred to a prestigious job at a Rome basilica. That appointment, during the papacy of John Paul II, who was widely considered to have underestimated the scope and severity of the sex abuse scandals worldwide, triggered outrage from many survivors of sexual abuse by clergy.

McCarrick rose steadily up the U.S. church's ranks, from auxiliary bishop in New York City, to bishop in Metuchen, New Jersey, to archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, and then to Archbishop of Washington, D.C., the nation's capital.

Scandals involving pedophile clergy or cover-ups of such abuse have involved hierarchy as well as priests.

One of Francis' closest advisers, Cardinal George Pell, is the highest-ranking Catholic in the world to be charged in the church's global abuse scandal. The 77-year-old faces trial in his native Australia on decades-old child sex abuse allegations. Pell has denied wrongdoing. Details of the allegations haven't been made public.

Bishops have been implicated in the sexual abuse scandals that have stained the Catholic church's reputation worldwide for decades, often for their roles in covering up for pedophile priests by shuffling them from parish to parish and keeping the faithful in the dark about the allegations.

Earlier this month, an Australia bishop became the most senior Roman Catholic cleric to be convicted of covering up child sex abuse. Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson was sentenced to 12 months in detention by an Australian court in a landmark case welcomed by some abuse survivors as a strong warning to institutions that fail to protect children.

2018-07-28 16:01:02 UTC  
2018-07-28 16:02:32 UTC  

Senator Katherine Zappone and her partner Ann Louise Gilligan kiss as they join the crowd celebrating the yes vote outside Dublin castle on Saturday. Photograph: Clodagh Kilcoyne/Getty Images

2018-07-28 16:02:49 UTC  
2018-07-28 16:03:27 UTC  

Taliban official says group spoke with US official
U.S. officials neither confirmed nor denied a meeting took place.
Author: KATHY GANNON , Associated Press
Published: 6:19 AM EDT July 28, 2018
Updated: 6:23 AM EDT July 28, 2018
ISLAMABAD — The Taliban held their first direct contact with a U.S. official in a preliminary discussion about future peace talks on Afghanistan, a senior official with the insurgent group said Saturday. It marked one of the most significant developments amid efforts to find a negotiated end to the country's protracted war.

2018-07-28 16:03:46 UTC  

The official described as "useful" a meeting with Alice Wells, the U.S.'s top diplomat for South Asia, earlier this week. He said the meeting was held in the small Middle Eastern country of Qatar, where the Taliban have maintained a political office since 2013.

"The environment was positive and the discussion was useful," the Taliban official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

U.S. officials neither confirmed nor denied a meeting took place. However, Wells was in Doha, the Qatar capital, this week. In a statement following her return, the State Department said only that Wells had been in Doha, had met with the ruling family and "the United States is exploring all avenues to advance a peace process in close consultation with the Afghan government."

Any talks about a future political setup would be between the Taliban and the Afghan government, the statement said.

The Taliban have long demanded direct talks with Washington, saying they do not want to talk politics with the U.S. but instead meet face to face to discuss Washington's concerns __ particularly its security concerns __ about the Taliban and Taliban involvement in Afghanistan's future. They also say they want a time frame for the withdrawal of the roughly 15,000 U.S. and NATO troops still in Afghanistan.

It wasn't clear when the next meeting would be held or with whom, but the Taliban official who spoke to The AP was certain one would be held.

A former Taliban minister and ex-head of their political committee, Aga Jan Mohtism, who has maintained close contacts with the insurgent group, also confirmed a meeting in Doha between U.S. officials and the Taliban took place earlier this week.

2018-07-28 16:04:04 UTC  

The Taliban want to solve their problems with the Americans to end the invasion," he said.

The Taliban have argued that the Afghan government cannot act independent of Washington. They also say that unless they can allay U.S. concerns about the group, an agreement with Kabul would be meaningless.

During the Taliban's five-year rule that ended with the 2001 U.S.-led invasion, leader Mullah Mohammed Omar said regardless of whatever concessions they agreed to, including allowing girls to attend school, it would not gain them international recognition as long as the U.S. refused to accept them.

The current leadership, most of whom are Mullah Omar's contemporaries, still believe their future in Afghanistan can be guaranteed only if the United States' concerns are addressed.

Until now, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's national security team has said it is ready to hold talks with the Taliban at any time and that their allies, including the United States, should participate only as observers.

In Kabul on Saturday, Shah Hussain Murtazawi, deputy spokesman for Ghani, repeated the government's oft-stated position that peace talks should be "Afghan owned and Afghan led, any assistance the allies provide (would be in) a supportive role."

Murtazawi did not comment directly on the meeting in Doha or say whether Ghani's government was aware that the meeting had been held.

2018-07-28 16:04:24 UTC  

A previous attempt at direct talks between Washington and the Taliban in 2013 also in Doha, was scuttled when then-Afghan President Hamid Karzai objected to the Taliban calling its office the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan __ the name of its government __ and flying the flag the movement flew when they ruled Afghanistan.

At the time the direct talks, which the Taliban also said would be restricted to U.S. concerns about the movement and troop withdrawal, was to be followed by talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

There was also a suggestion at the time that the talks would include the freedom of five Taliban held in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay and the release of captured U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl. His release was eventually secured in May 2014 in exchange for the five Taliban prisoners, who are living in Doha.

2018-07-28 16:05:03 UTC

2018-07-28 16:05:06 UTC  

@Grand Torino veteran Irish gay rights campaigner Senator David Norris arrived at Dublin Castle, where he was mobbed as a hero by a younger generation of gay activists. The world expert on James Joyce had pursued court cases all the way to the European court of human rights, forcing a previous Irish government to decriminalise homosexuality in 1993.

2018-07-28 16:07:29 UTC  

Panti Bliss aka Rory O’Neill leads the celebrations. ‘I am drunk on yes … It’s not that Ireland has changed today, but that Ireland has confirmed the change that we already knew had happened.’ Photograph: Fran Veale/Rex Shutterstock

2018-07-28 16:08:01 UTC  

A 125-page financial disclosure submitted to the U.S. Senate shows the governor's family is much richer than he has been reporting to state authorities.