Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 473489913694650370

2018-07-30 13:48:51 UTC  


2018-07-30 13:50:00 UTC  

Vandals paint Nazi symbols on wall at Jewish temple in Indiana
Posted: Jul 29, 2018 6:46 PM EDT
Updated: Jul 29, 2018 6:46 PM EDT
Meredith Digital StaffCONNECT

A synagogue in Carmel, Indiana was vandalized Friday night with anti-semetic graffiti. Images of a Nazi flag were painted on part of a back building at Congregation Shaarey Tefilla. (Lindsay Shipps/CNN)
A synagogue in Carmel, Indiana was vandalized Friday night with anti-semetic graffiti. Images of a Nazi flag were painted on part of a back building at Congregation Shaarey Tefilla. (Lindsay Shipps/CNN)
(CNN) -- Nazi images, including a swastika, were discovered Saturday morning painted on a structure that is part of a Jewish synagogue in Indiana, the temple said.

The swastika and two iron crosses were on a brick wall that goes around a dumpster at the Congregation Shaarey Tefilla in Carmel, just north of Indianapolis.

The synagogue has not been attacked before and has not received threats or harassing calls, said Lindsay Shipps, the temple's media representative.

2018-07-30 13:50:20 UTC  

Shabbat services were not delayed.

"We have focused on working with the Carmel police, communicating to our congregation, and working with the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council and Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis to communicate to other congregations and other Jewish agencies to ensure that they are aware of the event and can take appropriate measures," the temple said on Facebook.

Rabbi Benjamin Sendrow said, "We are deeply disappointed in the horrific vandalism that occurred at our congregation. Intolerance, hatred and violent acts against Jews are significant realities today. The response to this heinous act affirms that America is collectively outraged at these hateful acts in our neighborhoods."

Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard said police are investigating.

He condemned the incident in a statement.

"There is no place for this kind of hatred in Carmel and it does not reflect the respectful and welcoming nature of the vast majority of our residents, who come from many different cultural and faith backgrounds," Brainard said.

2018-07-30 13:53:03 UTC  

Mobs of kangaroos have been raiding patches of grass in the Australian capital Canberra, driven to the city’s sports fields, back yards and roadsides by food scarcity.

Canberra residents have taken to social media with images of the jumping marsupials exploring outside their usual habitats. But beyond the cute photo opportunities, the hungry kangaroos are at risk of dying on the roads as their feeding times coincide with rush hour.

Canberra has more than 30 nature reserves, with most hosting hundreds of Eastern Grey Kangaroos, and it is not unusual to see them in the reserves or in roads or yards nearby, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Parks and Conservation Service Director Daniel Iglesias told CNN.

But he said this winter the animals were far more visible.

“Canberra is experiencing a perfect storm of hardship for its kangaroos. New records have been set in Canberra for very cold, frosty nights this winter. This, coupled with very dry conditions with very little rain at all in June and July, means there is very little food for kangaroos, ” Iglesias said, via email.

2018-07-30 13:53:25 UTC  

Sports ovals, suburban yards, schoolyards and roadsides are the few places offering any green grass at all in Canberra at the moment and they act as magnets for kangaroos,” he said.

Driving in areas with large populations of kangaroos is ill-advised during the animals’ dawn and dusk feeding times as they can jump in front of moving vehicles without warning. Many larger cars in country areas have “roo bars” on the front of the vehicle, to act as a breaker for those in the car, should a collision with a rogue kangaroo take place.

Kangaroos are social animals and live in large groups known as “mobs,” often headed by a dominant male.

“Get to know where your local mob hangs out and avoid them, or slow down, especially during peak movement periods of dusk and dawn,” Iglesias said.
“People should also keep their dog on a lead as it can be very stressful for kangaroos to be chased by dogs and the dogs also put themselves at risk of being harmed.”

On its website, the ACT government says Canberra’s Eastern Grey Kangaroo population means the city qualifies as Australia “Kangaroo capital.”

The ACT’s Department of Environment says numbers have increased to the extent that some nature reserves have some of the highest densities of kangaroos per square kilometer in Australia — up to almost 700 per square kilometer.

2018-07-30 13:53:44 UTC  

Kangaroos are considered a pest in most areas of Australia and culling is legal.

The ACT government carries out an annual cull, which it says is aimed at lessening the animals’ impact on ecosystems and threats to some local flora and fauna species.

This year’s cull finished July 27. Iglesias said 3,253 kangaroos had been removed from seven of Canberra’s reserves but that there were still “tens of thousands” in the city.

Human residents still dominate in the capital, which has a population of around 400,000, but across Australia there are double the number of kangaroos to humans.

According to a 2016 report, there are more than 44 million kangaroos in the country. As of the 2016 Census, Australia has a human population of 24 million.

Currently in Canberra, kangaroos are looking for food at the same times as residents are traveling between their homes and workplaces.

“The short winter days means people are commuting to work at dawn and home at dusk, bringing motorists and kangaroos together in a potentially deadly way for kangaroos,” Iglesias said. “Wildlife rangers are reporting record numbers of roadkill with Canberra on target to record its highest ever tally of ‘roos reported killed by collisions with cars.”

2018-07-30 13:53:59 UTC  

Motorists who hit kangaroos should not attempt to move them as they could put themselves in danger, he said, noting that residents needed to be cautious around the animals as they became a more familiar sight.

“Kangaroos will get used to having people around and their drive to find food will overwhelm their cautious nature. People should never approach a ‘roo to pat or feed it — it will inevitably mistake your well meaning advances and you risk it striking out in self-defense.”

2018-07-30 13:56:49 UTC  


Dozens were either killed by flames or drowned as they tried to flee the fire into the nearby sea, waiting for hours in the water for rescue from local fishermen and other boat owners

2018-07-30 13:57:24 UTC  

Can we discuss Q drops from the last couple days

2018-07-30 13:57:43 UTC  

@everyone let’s discuss Q

2018-07-30 13:58:20 UTC  

& interrupt the news feed?

2018-07-30 13:58:41 UTC  

@foilhat I’m bored

2018-07-30 13:58:55 UTC  
2018-07-30 13:59:01 UTC  


2018-07-30 13:59:12 UTC  

@foilhat hahahaha

2018-07-30 13:59:19 UTC  

@foilhat r you mad at me

2018-07-30 13:59:34 UTC  

na it's all good

2018-07-30 13:59:52 UTC  

@foilhat thanx friend

2018-07-30 14:00:02 UTC  

Good Morning Patriots, who is the guy in front of Avenatti’s office?

2018-07-30 14:00:07 UTC  

it's good that people pause the news feed when people are chatting

2018-07-30 14:00:11 UTC  

Good morning 😎

2018-07-30 14:00:26 UTC  

then who cares if none are discussing

2018-07-30 14:00:37 UTC  

She talks too much

2018-07-30 14:01:08 UTC  

Good Morning @Fearless Bodhi 🌸 😇

2018-07-30 14:01:31 UTC  

I sent that 'Letter to America' to my list of The Usual Suspects... and my Best Beloved... to show that Q, and America are an inspiration to the whole freakin' world.

2018-07-30 14:01:47 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:01:52 UTC  

Hi, Fearless

2018-07-30 14:02:36 UTC  

Last October, an anonymous user, known simply as Q, started posting cryptic messages on the controversial message board 4chan—the common theme being that President Trump is a secret genius and his opponents, namely Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, are evil. Q reportedly claimed to be getting this information directly from the government, thanks to top-secret, “Q-type” security clearance. There has been little—if any—hard evidence to support Q’s musings. But over time, thousands of people started to believe them—or at least, to acknowledge they might be real. And they became the foundation of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory, known as QAnon, that has been covered by the New York Times and New York Magazine, among others, and discussed in more than 130,000 videos on YouTube. One of its most prominent followers: Roseanne Barr, who tweeted several references to QAnon before being fired from her hit TV show in May. —Melissa Chan

2018-07-30 14:02:38 UTC  

Talks too much? Lol I only said good morning 😂 @retiredDep hiya @WeeOne @Whisky Peddler

2018-07-30 14:03:12 UTC  
2018-07-30 14:03:27 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:03:59 UTC  

Pic Avenatti’s office, anyone? Bueller, Anyone?

2018-07-30 14:04:17 UTC  

Its hard to know who you answer to in here sometime ? get lost ! Lol😇

2018-07-30 14:05:21 UTC  

and answers get lost too in the rolling ....

2018-07-30 14:05:26 UTC  

Im always wandering and wondering @WeeOne lol but i always know where ever i am, im here 😂

2018-07-30 14:05:49 UTC  

John Alite

2018-07-30 14:05:49 UTC

2018-07-30 14:06:01 UTC