Message from @Barbaricus

Discord ID: 764106760536719450

2020-10-09 12:39:08 UTC  

i could have taken all AP classes if i cared but just didn't

2020-10-09 12:39:20 UTC  

I didnt even take the AP Calc exam

2020-10-09 12:39:56 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:40:11 UTC  

the modern democrat party is like a mind control cult that would make Charlie Manson PUKE!
It is
demonazi !
At the end of World War Two, the United States brought a great many nazis into the U.S.A. to aid in the ideological struggle against communism. These nazis infiltrated every strata of American Life, and have been trying to destroy the country from within for many years now.
Evil is the desire for power and control over the lives of others.
The Muslims often say " The enemy of My enemy is My Friend ".
The truth is, the enemy of My enemy might be an even MORE evil butthole than My enemy.
nazis convinced the Muslims that the where "liberating" them from the abuses inflicted upon them by the colonial powers, Mostly Great Britain and France.
However, the nazis hold ALL religious faiths beneath contempt, because national socialism is of the devil.
I am Closedanger
and I approve this message

2020-10-09 12:40:13 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:41:33 UTC

2020-10-09 12:42:29 UTC  

I don't need 66 books to tell me not to be a degenerate lol

2020-10-09 12:42:46 UTC  

some people do lmao

2020-10-09 12:43:08 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:43:18 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:43:35 UTC  

your bearded sky wizard isn't real now take your skitzo meds <:atatlast:761716772323196960>

2020-10-09 12:43:46 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:45:27 UTC  

I always liked to think of Bible God as different from "real" God, in that no one can ever know with absolute certainty that a real God does or doesn't exist

2020-10-09 12:45:53 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:46:30 UTC  

So I take the stories in the bible as interesting messages to learn from, appreciate them, but don't use them to solely define what is or isn't out there

2020-10-09 12:46:40 UTC

2020-10-09 12:46:41 UTC  

The very existence of a deity of that power would defy all human explanation or measurement so frankly i dont see any point in trying to disprove it

2020-10-09 12:46:45 UTC  

You guys are up early

2020-10-09 12:47:18 UTC  

I have a test this morning 🤷‍♀️

2020-10-09 12:47:23 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:47:28 UTC  

I do think the bible and christian denominated faiths teach very valuable lessons in morality though

2020-10-09 12:47:28 UTC  

Why test

2020-10-09 12:47:49 UTC  

yee, is all I'm sayin

2020-10-09 12:48:11 UTC  

and test cuz physics class

2020-10-09 12:48:17 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:49:06 UTC  

cant wake up if i never sleep

2020-10-09 12:49:27 UTC  

I didn't fall asleep last night anyhow

2020-10-09 12:49:38 UTC  

just tossed and turned

2020-10-09 12:49:40 UTC  

oh well

2020-10-09 12:50:05 UTC  

i did sleep last night but didn't set my alarm cause day off, and i overslept

2020-10-09 12:50:20 UTC  

overslept for a day off?

2020-10-09 12:50:24 UTC  

now i have to get up for work in 4 hours and im not even remotely tired <:atlast:758774926869004348>

2020-10-09 12:50:32 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:51:00 UTC  

it's important to maintain your sleep schedule on your days off or you can fuck up your whole week

2020-10-09 12:52:12 UTC  

yeh true

2020-10-09 12:52:30 UTC  

probably felt pretty good tho looool

2020-10-09 12:52:43 UTC  

not really tbh

2020-10-09 12:52:56 UTC  

i haven't gotten restful sleep in a very long time

2020-10-09 12:53:18 UTC  

im the kind of tired that sleep wont fix though