Message from @trusty rusty ✌

Discord ID: 475341460485570571

2018-08-04 16:18:14 UTC

2018-08-04 16:18:44 UTC

2018-08-04 16:20:33 UTC

2018-08-04 16:20:45 UTC  

🎥 GREAT VIDEO DEMS WON’T WANT YOU TO SEE: Destroys The Narrative On Minorities And Trump [Video] <#464841979897970698> 🎥 Aug 4, 2018

2018-08-04 16:23:48 UTC  

🕵 How Spygate Is Turning Democrats Like Me Against Our Party 🕵

2018-08-04 16:25:50 UTC  

😑 Why It’s Entirely In The Left’s Character For The New York Times To Hire Someone With Anti-White Tweets 😑

2018-08-04 16:27:00 UTC

2018-08-04 16:27:54 UTC  

💣 BOMBSHELL: Mueller’s ‘Right Hand Man’ Represented IT Staffer Who Set Up Hillary’s Private Server 💣

2018-08-04 16:29:43 UTC  

💩 Gullible Bleeding Heart Judge Gives Leniency To Gang Member and He Murders a Man 4 Months Later 💩 August 4, 2018

2018-08-04 16:30:37 UTC  

A Brighter version - SerialBrain2 -561-3X187 - The 3 times the Deep State tried to assassinate Trump

2018-08-04 16:32:15 UTC  

💰 Hillary Clinton Funds Democrats With $95,000 Through Dark Money Group 💰 August 4, 2018

2018-08-04 16:34:41 UTC  

🙄 Public Elementary Schools Invite Drag Queens to Teach First Graders ‘Gender Ideology’ 🙄

2018-08-04 16:35:07 UTC  


2018-08-04 16:35:59 UTC  

Laura Nails It regarding the deep state paid for propaganda MSM.

2018-08-04 16:37:15 UTC  

👉 Thanks to Trump, Look Who’s Voting Republican Now: Dems, Women, Young People, Gay People 👈

2018-08-04 16:37:43 UTC  

@Tim Brown Bozos been replaced

2018-08-04 16:38:41 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ This is just so wrong! We must get our schools out of the Deep State Deranged Agenda!

2018-08-04 16:39:40 UTC  

@American Woman Totally Agree! Disheartening .......😫

2018-08-04 16:41:25 UTC  

Zombie Boy Clearly had issues...Sad...

2018-08-04 16:41:44 UTC  

You may say, I already watched this video, shared it on all my social media accounts, why are you posting it here again? Well, now that Q is "outed" to the MSM and we have tons of new people joining us here and on YouTube, I want to share this every now and again for the newbies and to make it easier for us to once again share the truth about Q to our friends, family and followers. I will also be sharing some sites we can share to help get the truth about our POTUS and Q out there to combat the Fake News the MSM and shills are espousing to delegitimize us and turn us into far right militant crazies...

2018-08-04 16:41:58 UTC  

@AncestralCrosse Very Serious Issues......

2018-08-04 16:42:53 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ We need God back in our schools saying the Pledge of Allegiance and teaching moral truths to our children with true history, Science, and Literature. Keep Deranged Sexual deviance out of our schools!

2018-08-04 16:44:55 UTC  

If anyone knows of useful links to help redpill people about pizzagate - please message me.

2018-08-04 16:45:04 UTC  

@No Regerts This is an excellent video by NinjaWarrior Anon to explain Qanon to all new people!

2018-08-04 16:46:17 UTC  

James Woods is a true Patriot!

2018-08-04 16:46:52 UTC  

@American Woman What's really sad is at that early age (Pre-K, 1st and 2nd ) their little minds are like Sponges and they are eager to learn. They are very observant and absorb much of their surroundings. Thus, why they ask so many questions.......only to be deceived into thinking that it's OK. Frightening if this is not reversed. Something has to be done.

2018-08-04 16:48:51 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ I could not agree with you anymore. This is an intentional attack on our children. I would never allow a child of mine to attend a public school today.

2018-08-04 16:49:55 UTC  

@R1V37H34D You should not be advertising in this text!

2018-08-04 16:50:25 UTC  

As a retiree it is very sad to see. I can actually envision the future if a reverse course is not demanded IMMEDIATELY.

2018-08-04 16:51:52 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ This is one of the major reasons causes We MUST immediately address to stop the brainwashing of our children.