
Discord ID: 330113444613324801

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What do you guys think about Thomas Williams and what he has to say about the Manna World Holding Trust?

What do you guys think about Thomas Williams and what he has to say about the Manna World Holding Trust?

What do you guys think about Thomas Williams and what he has to say about the Manna World Holding Trust???

What do you guys think about Thomas Williams and what he has to say about the Manna World Holding Trust?
Is this stuff legit? PM me with your thoughts.

For those looking for new Q -

What do you guys think about Thomas Williams and what he has to say about the Manna World Holding Trust?
Is this stuff legit? PM me with your thoughts.


If anyone knows of useful links to help redpill people about pizzagate - please message me.


Look at me ^.^

Here is an update from the 50,000ft perspective.

Here is an update from the 50,000ft perspective.

Has anyone heard of the Manna World Holding Trust? Its the name of what USED to be the sole money trust for the cabal. The Alliance has recently taken control of it from the cabal. WE HAVE CONTROL OF ALL THEIR FUNDS!!!

@Lyonnaise de Dieu Its interesting stuff. The Manna World holding Trust is basically in control of what is essentially the cabal's wallet. and they've locked them out.

2019-09-04 01:31:13 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #uk]  

Found this, in line at the grocery store. Canada:

2019-09-04 01:31:59 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #uk]  

This what theyre feeding normies on this side of the pond.

2019-09-04 21:48:19 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #q-psb-gaming]  

Any Patriots playing WoW? I'm starting a new priest on "Thunderlord" server. Msg me

Live NOW!!!

I have a couple questions.
If anyone can help me break this down I'd appreciate it.
Are the 2019 China lake "quakes" related in anyway to the story of a firefight between US and Russian submarines (July 2019), where the Russian sublimped back to port

That's the article that mentions China lake and a Russian submarine

Now, whether it's true or not is another question.

2020-02-06 00:33:49 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #memes]  

NEW meme idea: Short individual gifs of We the People ripping up the those half-baked articles of impeachment. Thoughts?

Does anyone have a rebuttal with sauce against the argument that " TrUmPs Golfing CoSts us 340 MiLliOnS" ??

Does anyone have a rebuttal with sauce against the argument that " TrUmPs Golfing CoSts us 340 MiLliOnS" ??

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