Message from @La Q
Discord ID: 475663148280446976
They wish they had that kind of capacity to surveillance every one
@shrtbusss -- That young man on that still photo even said "" It's The Schiff "" when the reporter asked him why do you follow Q ?
I'm bettin 6 ways from Sunday that, the reporter MISSED that
Here is a longer interview
oh really? hahaha Thanks @Sara its lovely to be here and really enjoying the chats...
Bye @Q Largo
@Zixnewera -- I like how the reporter said "" I don't know anyone in the CIA ""
Liar !!! LOL
On Anderson CIA cooper
feisty on the chans
Once the children are brainwashed they shut down the schools, then they reward the youth for ratting on the elderly. The year families apart, no one to trust, no way to oraganize then.
@Deleted User Good to see you this morning. What time is your show this weekend? If I missed it, how did it go?
The interview above is an example of how easily the professional press whore can manipulate a simple guy; people need to learn some basic ways of how to interact with them. All that guy need to say was that the press is not the enemy of the people as long as it’s FREE PRESS , not some corporate propaganda machine
Agree @Nightring
@DocD -- I'm bettin that, they interviewed over 50 people and picked out some that would make CNN look right 😠
Good morning @Deleted User
They will encourage kids to spy on parents & neighbors. Later the same kids will turn on teachers. Once communists are in control, no schools needed. They own minds.
That’s how it works, you interview till you get what you planned to show
@Deleted User Good morning ☕
@shrtbusss Good morning 👋
New Mexico sheriff: Compound searched, 11 kids removed
Commies did exactly the same thing; must have attended the same classes
@DocD - I grew up in that industry, ever since I was 10yrs old.........I couldn't handle liberal news media interviewing me......I'd haul off and punch some asshole news reporter IN THE FACE
Summer breeze, that’s why people need to take this war seriously; it’s about whether there is to be any normal lives for your kids. I am unfortunate not to have any myself!
Hey @retiredDep Good Morning.
@DocD -- My parents travelled a lot for business so, we were in the public eye a lot......met Congressman, motivational speakers, members of Black Sabbath, among others, the whole atmosphere was ATROCIOUS. So I know how these idiots behave
But I will fight on behalf of yours
@Sara morning girl
@shrtbusss -- I would hope not 😠
@DocD I have no children either but will join you fighting for all children!
@Aussie Patriot Silowetr to me you were coming to our hang out.
Congressmen are nothing but “motivational speakers”; that’s their only job; speak, get paid and pass whatever laws the banking cabal asks of them
ahhh ok no worries @Sara loving it here so far. Thank you