Message from @Cynka

Discord ID: 476135557357895716

2018-08-06 21:08:12 UTC  

the pre-emption video is running... it appears to be POTUS' meeting with religious leaders

2018-08-06 21:09:23 UTC  

Hi Flippper! Good to see you here with us.

2018-08-06 21:09:54 UTC  

Hi Dina. Crowded in here today, huh?!

2018-08-06 21:10:11 UTC  

Hey @Cris ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-08-06 21:11:26 UTC  

@Sara yes Indeed ๐Ÿ™‚

2018-08-06 21:11:37 UTC  

Venezuela Detains 6 People Following Apparent Attempt On Maduro's Life




August 6, 201811:45 AM ET

2018-08-06 21:11:51 UTC  

Venezuelan authorities have detained six people in connection with an apparent attempt to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro, according to the country's interior minister, Nรฉstor Luis Reverol. The minister explained Sunday that they're also seeking to question at least one more person about the explosions that interrupted Maduro's televised speech to national guard troops a day earlier.

Reverol says it was a pair of commercial drone aircraft, each carrying about two pounds of C4 explosive material, that bore down on the ceremony. But the drones malfunctioned, he added โ€” one hitting a nearby apartment building, the other crashing after getting disoriented by government jamming signals.

The blasts ended up injuring at least seven troops but left the president, seemingly their intended target, physically unscathed.

2018-08-06 21:12:05 UTC  

The moment marked yet another successful evasion for the embattled leader, who survived months of rampant and often deadly unrest last year to emerge with a tight grip on Venezuela's levers of power.

That grasp was evident in his landslide re-election last May in a vote boycotted by the opposition and widely condemned as fraudulent. Even as his country continues to be buffeted by spiraling hyperinflation, food shortages, eroding medical infrastructure and a massive exodus of desperate Venezuelans, Maduro has managed to crush dissent partly on the strength his alliance with Venezuela's security forces, buttressed by a projection image of untouchability.

2018-08-06 21:12:24 UTC  

I hear screams and I saw National Guardsmen with long guns on the streets, running like crazy. They even pushed an old lady who was trying to run," one activist, who had been protesting the ceremony nearby, told The New York Times. "Imagine this: Our military are supposed to protect us, and then you see them running like that."

It remains unclear who was behind the attack.

An obscure group calling itself the Movimiento Nacional Soldados de Franelas โ€” or the "National Movement of Soldiers in T-shirts," according to Reuters' translation โ€” appeared to claim responsibility on social media over the weekend, saying Saturday that its two drones were shot down by snipers.

"It was not successful today," the group tweeted, but it is just a matter of time."

2018-08-06 21:12:41 UTC  

No matter who was behind what happened, opposition leaders fear they know what might come next: another government crackdown, this time retaliating for the incident. A coalition of opposition groups known as Broad Front explained in a statement Sunday, translated by The Associated Press, that it does not believe Maduro's allegations.

"It's evident that the initial reaction of the government isn't aimed at attempting to clarify what happened," the coalition said, "but rather to take advantage of the situation and irresponsibly and sweepingly attack the 'opposition.' "

2018-08-06 21:12:47 UTC

2018-08-06 21:14:50 UTC  
2018-08-06 21:20:00 UTC  

Six people to fly a drone and they missed?

2018-08-06 21:20:56 UTC  

@GeorgeRockwell I read an article that said when Fidel's oldest son died last year that he said Justin Trudeau is his half brother & confirmed he was! Justin's mother was pictured in a photo with Fidel holding Justin.

2018-08-06 21:21:06 UTC

2018-08-06 21:22:20 UTC

2018-08-06 21:22:36 UTC  

Geez is CNN been told to ramp up the propaganda so they can fake a war between Canada and Saudi Arabia?? Give me a break

2018-08-06 21:22:59 UTC