Message from @WeeOne

Discord ID: 477105849433718795

2018-08-09 13:08:10 UTC  

Children Found Alive In 'Nailed Boxes' in Suspected Child Trafficking Operation

Read more at:
© Neon Nettle

2018-08-09 13:16:22 UTC  

Chicago can't count the "immigrants".

2018-08-09 13:24:10 UTC  

Trial due to start in Turkeyof U.S. pastor accused of terror links. Andrew Craig Brunson faces up to 35 years in prison if convicted

2018-08-09 13:26:07 UTC  

Top Government Spooks & Hackers on the FBI’s Payroll Just Dismantled DOJ Mueller’s Claims the DNC was Hacked

2018-08-09 13:27:07 UTC  


2018-08-09 13:28:18 UTC  

👀 Senate Dems make ‘unprecedented’ FOIA request for Kavanaugh documents

2018-08-09 13:28:51 UTC  

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Dr. Dave Janda is a retired MD that started a radio career. Now, he has a red hot show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda says his sources say indictments are coming soon for those who tried to illegally take President Trump down. Dr. Janda explains, “Everybody who is a freedom fighter is tired of hearing it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, and nothing is happening. What I am told and have been told, and it’s been consistently told to me, is you are going to start to see movement on the indictments after the primaries are over. The primaries are over on August 7th. . .

2018-08-09 13:29:00 UTC  

WATCH: Morning Joe Compares I.C.E to the Fugitive Slave Act

2018-08-09 13:29:53 UTC  

Top Government Spooks & Hackers on the FBI’s Payroll: DNC Computer Breach Linked to Bernie Sanders, Not Hackers

2018-08-09 13:30:25 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Lopeover, you just advanced to 15 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-09 13:30:39 UTC  

from article...My understanding is they are not going to dump 1,000 sealed indictments at a shot. It is going to come in sections and in waves. . . . I think one of the prime players that is going to get dropped in the indictments is John Brennan, former Director of the CIA. I have been told that John Brennan is going to be held accountable for his past actions.”

2018-08-09 13:31:17 UTC  

The historic Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki also featured a secret meeting between the two leaders on Air Force One. Janda explains, “Putin and his team and Trump and his team were concerned that the Deep State would be listening into what was going on. This is why there was such a hysterical reaction after the summit. . . . They were whisked off and actually went to Air Force One because they felt that was the most secure environment where no surveillance could be implemented. This is the third meeting that nobody talks about that was held on Air Force One where information was handed over from Trump to Putin and from Putin to Trump about Deep State players and activities that were occurring in their respective countries around the world.

2018-08-09 13:31:29 UTC  

Iraq War Veteran Turned FBI Agent Notified Comey of Widespread FBI Corruption, Comey & McCabe Set Out to “Suicide Him”

2018-08-09 13:31:49 UTC  


2018-08-09 13:32:12 UTC  

Dr. Janda also said there have been “12 attempts on President Trump’s life.” This is a story that has not been released to the mainstream press. Dr. Janda also says the very top people in the New World Order, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, will not escape justice. Dr. Janda says, “If that doesn’t happen, then nothing will have changed.”

2018-08-09 13:32:16 UTC  

💥 BOOM! GIULIANI: “This Case Isn’t Going to Fizzle, It’s Going to BLOW UP ON THEM! LOT MORE to What They Did Nobody Knows About Yet! “ (Video)