Message from @Lyonnaise de Dieu

Discord ID: 479106564003725321

2018-08-15 01:53:56 UTC  


2018-08-15 01:54:55 UTC  
2018-08-15 01:55:23 UTC  
2018-08-15 01:56:12 UTC  

look smarter

2018-08-15 01:56:19 UTC  


2018-08-15 01:56:35 UTC  

I was just thinking about coworkers

2018-08-15 01:56:46 UTC  

Rick Perry was smarter when he put on his glasses

2018-08-15 01:58:26 UTC  

Hi all! I see Q blew up the internet again. Now, what dafuq does [Geo-T] mean?????❤️⁉️⁉️❓❓⁉️

2018-08-15 01:59:26 UTC  

It needs to go

2018-08-15 02:00:25 UTC  

They will get nothing from me.

2018-08-15 02:00:32 UTC  


2018-08-15 02:00:33 UTC  

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s announcement for an upcoming “proposers days” slated for later this month includes the following description of the Safe Documents program:

“The goal of the SafeDocs program is to dramatically improve software’s ability to detect and reject invalid or maliciously crafted input data, without impacting the key functionality of new and existing electronic data formats …

“SafeDocs seeks to create technological assurance that an electronic document or message is automatically checked and safe to open, while also generating safer document formats that are subsets of current, untrustworthy versions.”

To meet DARPA’s goals, there will be two primary objectives of the SafeDocs research program:

2018-08-15 02:00:56 UTC  

I don't know anything about them @retiredDep I'm only on Discord

2018-08-15 02:00:59 UTC  

We are targeted

2018-08-15 02:01:34 UTC  

@retiredDep we just need to do our part

2018-08-15 02:02:02 UTC  

Before Q, there was a wide variety of “anon” 4chan posters all claiming to have special government access.

In 2016, there was FBIAnon, a self-described “high-level analyst and strategist” offering intel about the 2016 investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Then came HLIAnon, an acronym for High Level Insider, who posted about various dubious conspiracies in riddles, including one that claimed Princess Diana had been killed because she found out about 9/11 “beforehand” and had “tried to stop it.” Then “CIAAnon” and “CIA Intern” took to the boards in early 2017, and last August one called WH Insider Anon offered a supposed preview that something that was “going to go down” regarding the DNC and leaks.

Qanon was just another unremarkable part of the “anon” genre until November 2017, when two moderators of the 4chan board where Q posted predictions, who went by the usernames Pamphlet Anon and BaruchtheScribe, reached out to Tracy Diaz, according to Diaz’s blogs and YouTube videos. BaruchtheScribe, in reality a self-identified web programmer from South Africa named Paul Furber, confirmed that account to NBC News.

2018-08-15 02:02:04 UTC  

We can't watch everyone. We are not the NSA @retiredDep

2018-08-15 02:02:21 UTC  

Before Q, there was a wide variety of “anon” 4chan posters all claiming to have special government access.

In 2016, there was FBIAnon, a self-described “high-level analyst and strategist” offering intel about the 2016 investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Then came HLIAnon, an acronym for High Level Insider, who posted about various dubious conspiracies in riddles, including one that claimed Princess Diana had been killed because she found out about 9/11 “beforehand” and had “tried to stop it.” Then “CIAAnon” and “CIA Intern” took to the boards in early 2017, and last August one called WH Insider Anon offered a supposed preview that something that was “going to go down” regarding the DNC and leaks.

Qanon was just another unremarkable part of the “anon” genre until November 2017, when two moderators of the 4chan board where Q posted predictions, who went by the usernames Pamphlet Anon and BaruchtheScribe, reached out to Tracy Diaz, according to Diaz’s blogs and YouTube videos. BaruchtheScribe, in reality a self-identified web programmer from South Africa named Paul Furber, confirmed that account to NBC News.

2018-08-15 02:02:44 UTC  
2018-08-15 02:03:03 UTC

2018-08-15 02:03:38 UTC  


2018-08-15 02:03:42 UTC  

remember the deep sate have driven a narrative for so long that the others have been shielded in obscurity. many people have not a clue.

2018-08-15 02:03:49 UTC