Message from @B єℓℓα verità

Discord ID: 479486945483816960

2018-08-16 03:04:57 UTC

2018-08-16 03:04:59 UTC

2018-08-16 03:05:01 UTC  

See also: Afro-American religion for a list of related religions which are sometimes called or mistaken for Vodou/Voodoo, such as Santería or Candomblé.
Brazilian Vodum, one of the major branches (nations) of Candomblé
Cuban Vodú, a syncretic religion that developed in the Spanish Empire
Dominican Vudú, a syncretic religion that developed in the Spanish Empire
Haitian Vodou, a syncretic religion practiced chiefly in Haiti
Louisiana Voodoo or New Orleans Voodoo, a set of African-based spiritual folkways
West African Vodun, practiced by Gbe-speaking ethnic groups of Africa

2018-08-16 03:05:08 UTC

2018-08-16 03:05:51 UTC  

Vodouists believe in a distant and unknowable Supreme Creator, Bondye (derived from the French term Bon Dieu, meaning "good God"). According to Vodouists, Bondye does not intercede in human affairs, and thus they direct their worship toward spirits subservient to Bondye, called loa.[13] Every loa is responsible for a particular aspect of life, with the dynamic and changing personalities of each loa reflecting the many possibilities inherent to the aspects of life over which they preside.[14] To navigate daily life, vodouists cultivate personal relationships with the loa through the presentation of offerings, the creation of personal altars and devotional objects, and participation in elaborate ceremonies of music, dance, and spirit possession.[15]

2018-08-16 03:05:55 UTC  

Haiti Child Trafficking and the Clintons – Val Lee's Weblog

2018-08-16 03:06:00 UTC  

good point

2018-08-16 03:06:15 UTC  

Vodou originated in Nigeria and developed in the French Empire in the 18th century among West African peoples who were enslaved, when African religious practice was actively suppressed, and enslaved Africans were forced to convert to Christianity.[16][17] Religious practices of contemporary Vodou are descended from, and closely related to, West African Vodun as practiced by the Fon and Ewe. Vodou also incorporates elements and symbolism from other African peoples including the Yoruba and Kongo; as well as Taíno religious beliefs, Roman Catholicism, and European spirituality including mysticism and other influences.[18]

2018-08-16 03:06:24 UTC  

‘Biblical’ Disaster in Haiti: Pat Robertson and the Curse of Unyielding Ignorance | Religion Dispatches

2018-08-16 03:06:36 UTC  

Isn't the "sacrifices" on that charm hanging on the bottom?

2018-08-16 03:07:09 UTC  

Notice the cross

2018-08-16 03:08:01 UTC  
2018-08-16 03:08:10 UTC  

it has moving parts like a cuckoo clock

2018-08-16 03:08:43 UTC

2018-08-16 03:08:59 UTC  

Myths Obscure Voodoo, Source of Comfort in Haiti - The New York Times

2018-08-16 03:09:23 UTC

2018-08-16 03:09:40 UTC  

Haitian heart milagro. Haitian hearts These extra large Haitian Hearts are hammered out of steel by wonderful artists who are trying hard to recov… | Dia de l…

2018-08-16 03:09:42 UTC  

take a breath

2018-08-16 03:09:50 UTC  

mild rebuke lol

2018-08-16 03:10:06 UTC

2018-08-16 03:10:56 UTC  

@B єℓℓα verità good job both of coming up with the same info I love it

2018-08-16 03:11:03 UTC

2018-08-16 03:11:15 UTC  

Anderson Cooper in Rome

2018-08-16 03:11:50 UTC  

We read that a few hours ago

2018-08-16 03:11:56 UTC  

Black Mass is a ritual characterized by the inversion of the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church.

In the 19th century the Black Mass became popularized in French literature, in books such as Satanism and Witchcraft, by Jules Michelet, and Là-bas, by Joris-Karl Huysmans.

Modern revivals began with H. T. F. Rhodes' book, The Satanic Mass published in London in 1954, and there are now a range of modern versions of the Black Mass performed by various groups.

2018-08-16 03:12:25 UTC  

The Catholic Church regards the Mass as its most important ritual, going back to apostolic times. In general, its various liturgies followed the outline of Liturgy of the Word, Offertory, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Benediction, which developed into what is known as the Mass. Although, however, as early Christianity became more established and its influence began to spread, the early Church Fathers began to describe a few heretical groups practicing their own versions of Masses. Some of these rituals were of a bizarre sexual nature.[1] The fourth-century AD heresiologist Epiphanius of Salamis, for instance, claims that a libertine Gnostic sect known as the Borborites engaged in a version of the Eucharist in which they would smear their hands with semen and menstrual blood and consume them as the blood and body of Christ respectively.[2] He also alleges that, whenever one of the women in their church was experiencing her period, they would take her menstrual blood and everyone in the church would eat it as part of a sacred ritual.[3]

2018-08-16 03:12:48 UTC  

sandy newman. dunno since Obama never had a job lol

2018-08-16 03:13:08 UTC  
2018-08-16 03:13:16 UTC  

Pope Francis with president of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse | ROME REPORTS

2018-08-16 03:13:22 UTC  

illinois dude

2018-08-16 03:13:44 UTC  
2018-08-16 03:13:58 UTC  

In spite of the huge amount of French literature discussing the Black Mass (Messe Noire) at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century, no set of written instructions for performing one, from any purported group of Satanists, turned up in writing until the 1960s, and appeared not in France, but in the United States. As can be seen from these first Black Masses and Satanic Masses appearing in the U.S., the creators drew heavily from occult novelists such as Dennis Wheatley and Joris-Karl Huysmans, and from non-fiction occult writers popular in the 1960s, such as Grillot de Givry, author of the popular illustrated book Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy, and H. T. F. Rhodes, who provided a title for the satanic ritual in his 1954 book The Satanic Mass.[20] Herbert Sloane, the founder of an early Satanist group, the Ophite Cultus Satanas, speaks of Satanists performing the ritual of the "Satanic Mass" in a letter he wrote in 1968 (see the article on his group), and in 1968 and 1969 also appeared the first two recordings of Satanic rituals, both entitled the "Satanic Mass":

2018-08-16 03:14:16 UTC  

Pope Francis donates $100,000 to Haiti for hurricane relief


2018-08-16 03:14:50 UTC  

All three of these newly created Black Masses (the one by Coven and the two by the Church of Satan) contain the Latin phrase "In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi" [26] (In the name of our God, Satan Lucifer of the Most High), as well as the phrases "Rege Satanas" and "Ave Satanas" (which, incidentally, are also the only three Latin phrases which appeared in the Church of Satan's 1968 recording, "The Satanic Mass"). Additionally, all three modify other Latin parts of the Roman Catholic Missal to make them into Satanic versions. The Church of Satan's two Black Masses also use the French text of the Black Mass in Huysmans' Là-Bas to a great extent. (West only uses the English translation, LaVey publishes also the original French). Thus, the Black Mass found in The Satanic Rituals is a combination of English, French, and Latin. Further, in keeping with the traditional description of the Black Mass, all three also require a consecrated Host taken from a Catholic church, as a central part of the ceremony.