Message from @AncestralCrosse

Discord ID: 481507878839255061

2018-08-21 16:53:47 UTC  

You have gained a rank @MsDirtyLaundry05, you just advanced to 10 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-21 16:54:20 UTC  

You could be right

2018-08-21 16:54:42 UTC  

If she's committed herself to the unpardonable sin then she's a goner.

2018-08-21 16:55:34 UTC  

I hope so

2018-08-21 16:55:41 UTC  

Not for me to say. I can only evaluate by fruit.

2018-08-21 16:55:58 UTC

2018-08-21 16:56:02 UTC  


2018-08-21 16:56:29 UTC

2018-08-21 16:56:40 UTC  

A lot of these people we are researching have some pretty putrid fruit. imho

2018-08-21 16:56:56 UTC

2018-08-21 16:56:59 UTC

2018-08-21 16:57:25 UTC  

Luk 12:3
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

2018-08-21 16:57:31 UTC  

I have sinned & done what is evil in God's sight, but I have repented & continue to do so.

2018-08-21 16:58:19 UTC  

Jesus said, Whatever I've whispered in your ear, shout from the rooftops.

2018-08-21 16:59:19 UTC  

When I was dying of cancer Jesus asked me one question, "Do you trust me with this?"

2018-08-21 16:59:29 UTC  

Come ye, come ye, come ye

2018-08-21 16:59:48 UTC  

I said yes

2018-08-21 17:00:08 UTC  

@R_Dubya A question He askes each of us each day

2018-08-21 17:00:36 UTC  

Do we trust Him with this?

2018-08-21 17:02:00 UTC  

I want my actions to reflect more of an attitude of trust in Him.

2018-08-21 17:02:41 UTC  

Basic truth - Our actions always follow our beliefs.

2018-08-21 17:03:49 UTC  

We give up our flawed will in favor of His perfect will

2018-08-21 17:04:08 UTC

2018-08-21 17:05:16 UTC  

At least our illegals are christians

2018-08-21 17:07:20 UTC  

I ask myself as a man who belongs to Jesus, Unless I was fleeing persecution, would I sneek into another country illegally?

2018-08-21 17:07:42 UTC  

And what's your answer?

2018-08-21 17:07:47 UTC  


2018-08-21 17:08:03 UTC  

Exactly. Because it's not the right thing to do...

2018-08-21 17:08:09 UTC  

There are many reasons

2018-08-21 17:08:29 UTC  

mostly economic

2018-08-21 17:09:22 UTC  

The name of the family strongly implies a local, Mesopotamian origin for the family. The family name of Sassoon is also commonly shared by many Armenian and Kurdish families and tribes who all originate from the mountainous district of Sason (whence the family and tribal names), west of Lake Van, in upper Mesopotamia in modern Turkey. It is, however, possible that some Spanish Sephardi blood was mixed with the primarily Mesopotamian Jewish Sasoons.

2018-08-21 17:09:28 UTC  

Jhn 3:19
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

2018-08-21 17:09:36 UTC  

Our gov has to stop handing out the carrots

2018-08-21 17:10:21 UTC  

Weve been screwed for so long...GM's bail out, bank bailout, all while corporations think of the next way to scam all of us.

2018-08-21 17:10:38 UTC  


2018-08-21 17:10:58 UTC  

There should be police patrolling inside of bank's corporate offices, allowed access to their emails to prevent this