Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 481797983407439873

2018-08-22 11:46:11 UTC

2018-08-22 11:47:49 UTC  

⛓ RIGGED: Imran Awan gets No Prison Time in Crooked FBI Case ⛓

2018-08-22 11:47:56 UTC  

Rusty the funny part is Dershowitz schooling media on the issue "At best It's a Jay walking ticket for the president"

2018-08-22 11:48:34 UTC  

And ps wtf how did awan squirm his way outta what he did

2018-08-22 11:49:09 UTC  

The Media is already calling for an immediate investigation of POTUS

2018-08-22 11:50:25 UTC  

They see us Maga they hatin

2018-08-22 11:51:11 UTC  

Yea.....they are saying he "MUST" be a Co-conspirator. 😄

2018-08-22 11:51:14 UTC  

You have gained a rank @trusty rusty ✌, you just advanced to 41 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-22 11:52:46 UTC  

BREAKING NEWS! Cohen Willing To Tell Mueller About Trump's Conspiracy To Collude With Russia

2018-08-22 11:56:53 UTC  

Sitting Down with QAnon Conspiracy Theorists - The Jim Jefferies Show

2018-08-22 12:12:58 UTC  

Wow!! 6.2 earthquake off the coast of Oregon!!! No, didn't feel it here, I'm 70 miles from the epicenter.

2018-08-22 12:21:45 UTC  

👉 👈 Amber-Alert Map HAZMAT Situations Map Forest Fires Map Disease Outbreaks Map

Gang Activity Map Border Security Issues Presidential Threat Map Terrorism Event Predictions New Quakes Map

Drug Interdictions Map Non-Terror Aviation Incidents NEW - Food/Medicine Incidents NEW - Human Trafficking

2018-08-22 12:22:31 UTC  

Here's the front page of The New York Times 8/22/2018.

2018-08-22 12:23:00 UTC  

💥 DNC LIES: Despite Denials, Feds & FAA Records Show Brazile was in DC on Day of Seth Rich Murder 💥