Message from @SisterGirl

Discord ID: 482107283845677077

2018-08-23 08:20:07 UTC  

L'Arabie Saoudite envisage d'exécuter une activiste non violente, Israa al-Ghomgham Les procureurs saoudiens envisagent de décapiter la première militante non violente du pays.

Neon Nettle

2018-08-23 08:20:17 UTC  

noir rouge blanc

2018-08-23 08:20:26 UTC

2018-08-23 08:42:13 UTC  

Long but extremely informative article. Lots of notables, connects these sickos with OKC bombing, 9/11 and much more. From 2010.

2018-08-23 08:51:23 UTC  

You have gained a rank @condor, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-23 08:51:33 UTC  


2018-08-23 09:33:10 UTC  

BREAKING: Journalist Dies Just Weeks After Telling FBI & DHS That Bill Clinton Allegedly Raped Boy, page 9

2018-08-23 09:48:55 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌

Newly crowned Vatican Popes have willingly participated in child sacrifice rites before they assumed office according to a document titled “Magisterial Privilege” on file at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The official Vatican paper, dated Dec. 25 1967, called for the ceremonial murder of newborn children and consumption of their blood.

The International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels found that the Vatican not only regularly held systematic child pedophile, torture and murder ceremonies, had repeatedly refused to allow excavation of 35 child mass grave sites suspected to contain mutilated bodies of over 65,000 native children buried on the grounds of Canadian government and Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada residential schools across Canada, were the owners of child mass grave sites in Ireland and Spain, plus the Vatican was also suspected of running an international child kidnapping ring with ties to the CIA and various mafias.

2018-08-23 10:05:23 UTC  

Is this fake news!!!!!

2018-08-23 10:32:48 UTC  

When facing imminent defeat, a Prince must present a public face of confidence and appear to be powerful in order to assure his wavering subjects and confound the hopes of his adversaries. - Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince

I pray every day for Bergoglio to die. He is the greatest threat to the Church in its history. - Catholic Cardinal Raymond Burke to fellow Knights of Malta members, October 2017

After he came to office, Pope Francis realized how much he needed the Vatican money men to sustain his controversial rule. So he feigned an inquiry into the IOR (Vatican Bank) to conceal the extent of its looting and protect the usual gang of thieves under a smokescreen of liberal rhetoric. But the looting is massive. Even the Russian oligarchs have used the IOR to hide the billions they stole from their country. From Vladimir Putin on down, lots of people justifiably want Francis taken out. - Italian journalist to the author, June 19, 2018

2018-08-23 11:43:08 UTC  

#WITCHHUNT D. Trump Jr. Next Indictment? HRC/DNC/FBI: Informants, Collusion and the Ukraine #CHALUPA