Message from @Gadget Lady (CAN)

Discord ID: 483303699758841856

2018-08-26 15:31:10 UTC  

Lot's of Chemo.......NO hair Loss..........................just sayin 🤔

2018-08-26 15:33:25 UTC  

Drudge Report is experiencing heavy traffic because of the news out of the Vatican.

2018-08-26 15:33:46 UTC  

Major news

2018-08-26 15:34:21 UTC  

God the Father God the Sun and God the holy Spirit, I pray Lord for President Trump❤ ❤ ❤

2018-08-26 15:35:16 UTC

2018-08-26 15:35:34 UTC  

Please remember your Shield of Faith!!!

2018-08-26 15:39:10 UTC  

👉 Uganda: Church Closes after Months of Attacks by Muslims 👈 AUGUST 26, 2018 📣 The future of your town if you allow it to become a Muslim enclave. 📣

2018-08-26 15:40:19 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ Its all a sign!!!

2018-08-26 15:40:45 UTC  

I am not like this freak of nature...... nothing in my nature...this is not a human

2018-08-26 15:44:37 UTC  

The pace of this world is reacing breakneck speed. Our appetites for information and our quest for whetting those impulses have driven us to misunderstand the dangers of quick, reactive speech. Good relationships and the adoration of good people are the greatest treasure we possess. The Bible says that the power of death and life resides in the tongue, yet we utilize this weaponry without caution or consideration. We too are accountable for those we cause pain. How quickly we change course and ravenously pick apart those who came with us to the battlefield is a reflection of our commitment to the cause. I am not here to deconstruct, philosophically undress or to take advantage of anyone's weakness. I am here to encourage, edify and build everyone up so that they might withstand the assaults of an unseen enemy. Let us not take every opportunity to benefit from the loss or the reproof our teammates. Let us circle the wagons and watch each other's back so that we might confidently go into these battles with the knowledge we are not alone, that there are others who will defend us when needed.

2018-08-26 15:44:42 UTC  

WWG1WGA, means just that. Make the commitment to the cause and to each other, without it the enemy will sow seeds of discord and discontent dividing and actively conquering each of us to bring down the whole campaign. Each of us should take account of our own interactions with each other, with the chat and firmly determine our motivations for entering the field of battle against tyranny, evil and the cabal. Why am I here? That is a question I should have resolved before I type, speak or offer and single comment in PS 24/7. I am here because I want to see our children live free, our lives edified by the knowledge that we fought for something righteous and that all captives might be set free by God. Please don't run when wounded, please don't hurt others in response to their poor behavior, we need each of you and we, as a group, are diminished when the enemy takes you off the chess board. We love you and need you if we are ever going to be successful. You have my prayers, my vote and my support whatever comes our way. Trust in God, Trust the Plan and stay the course WWG1WGA, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ I pray for each of us.

2018-08-26 15:49:14 UTC

2018-08-26 15:50:05 UTC  

New Q

2018-08-26 15:52:37 UTC  

@Smiley WOW....see the new Q

2018-08-26 15:53:32 UTC  

Suggests no name commited assisted suicide I think.

2018-08-26 15:56:21 UTC

2018-08-26 15:59:54 UTC  
2018-08-26 16:02:20 UTC  

Ya know, I kinda wondered if "no names" death was an indication of things to come?

2018-08-26 16:03:04 UTC  

Been expecting this latest Q drop.

2018-08-26 16:07:21 UTC  

Interesting that Gen. Flynn changed his twitter banner to HOOAH! in the last couple of days.

2018-08-26 16:07:37 UTC  


2018-08-26 16:09:28 UTC  

@RedPilledNativeYaqui A Native of The Southwest huh? Cool.

2018-08-26 16:15:58 UTC

2018-08-26 16:16:06 UTC  

Ok. Q, you win. I capitulate.

2018-08-26 16:20:05 UTC  

Put on the whole armor of God. Support and defend your brothers and sisters in Christ. The enemy is sneaking around. Be on guard against new age doctrine that has tip toed into our churches and conversations that has nothing to do with Christ. Some are coming in to divide. Stand firm. Seek truth not woowoo stuff.

2018-08-26 16:20:25 UTC  


2018-08-26 16:21:46 UTC  

Just a thought: Watch & listen very carefully to what people are saying about "no name" and who it is that's saying it. Then go back & see what they said several years ago. Then ask yourself who are they in the "battle-space"?

2018-08-26 16:22:36 UTC  

George Soros just praised "no name". hmm

2018-08-26 16:22:57 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ just caught it

2018-08-26 16:24:00 UTC  

And here we go . . .

2018-08-26 16:25:12 UTC  

could the [30] in 1932 be referencing Gen. Flynn, ref post 1281???