Message from @trusty rusty ✌

Discord ID: 483831250977554433

2018-08-28 02:30:39 UTC  

remember cindy no name smiles smile for the camera

2018-08-28 02:40:40 UTC  
2018-08-28 02:48:13 UTC  

👉 President Trump Announces Bilateral Trade Deal With Mexico: "Getting Rid Of NAFTA Name" 👈 August 27, 2018

2018-08-28 02:52:39 UTC

2018-08-28 02:54:18 UTC

2018-08-28 02:57:19 UTC  

A comment on the Sara Carticle linked by Q:


August 27, 2018

Outstanding investigative reporting Sara! When Stephan Halper was first linked to this mess many things fell into place for me. What follows is pure speculation on my part.

I could never really wrap my head around how aggressive the DOJ and FBI has been in the pursuit of President Trump. The actions of Deputy Atty. General Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller especially puzzled me. When Halper appeared on the scene the tumbler clicked. Stephan Halper is very, very close to the Bush family and especially close to former President GHW Bush. I believe their relationship goes back to when the elder President Bush was head of the CIA.

I believe the Bush family was furious when then candidate Trump completely obliterated the chance for Jeb Bush to be anointed the Republican nominee for President.

I know the Bush family and the Clinton family are much closer than the general public realizes. While not friendly, I think former President Obama and the Bush family are cordial.

While I do not believe the Bush family started this Russia collusion narrative I absolutely believe they were supporting players and called in a few friends to help.

Rosenstein and Meuller are there to protect the Bush family, because if they become linked to this disaster there will be hell to pay within the Republican party as well as the Democrat party. The general public will come unglued. Many reputations will be ruined. That is why so many are doing their level best to keep the truth hidden.

As I wrote earlier, this is my opinion and mine alone. Fire away.

Once again, great job Sara Carter!"

2018-08-28 02:58:01 UTC  

📈 Stocks SMASH records on news of a new NAFTA agreement between U.S., Mexico 📈 August 27, 2018

2018-08-28 02:59:40 UTC  

If the poster at Sara Carter is correct, Rosenstein and Mueller are there to cover up 5he involvement of the Bush's. Is this correct?

2018-08-28 03:03:40 UTC  

💥 Want to Make Liberal Heads Explode? Show Them How Trump Can Avoid Impeachment 💥 August 27, 2018 3:35PM