Message from @trusty rusty ✌

Discord ID: 483828236627869706

2018-08-28 02:23:02 UTC  


2018-08-28 02:23:40 UTC  

New Pope Expected to Be Crowned as Francis Is Issued Arrest Warrant
Monday, August 13, 2018 6:16
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Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria was said to be the front runner candidate in an impending coup to remove Pope Francis despite an upcoming papal visit to Ireland on August 25 according to a source within the Vatican’s Roman College of Cardinals.

2018-08-28 02:24:01 UTC  

Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio and eleven other prominent figures have been found guilty of criminal conspiracy to abduct, traffic, ritually torture and murder children, plus being co-conspirators in the disappearance of eight children from Catholic facilities in Switzerland, Belgium and Italy. On August 10 a European Court issued a Summary Judgement including Bench Warrants for their immediate arrest.

2018-08-28 02:24:23 UTC  

The eleven other defendants – members of the Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult – were bankers, religious leaders, mafia bosses, businessmen, politicians and World Council of Churches officers. They included Irish Catholic Cardinal Sean Brady, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, Canadian Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald, two top officials of the World Council of Churches and prominent European politicians and businessmen. (See July 12, 2018 posting at ).

2018-08-28 02:24:39 UTC  

In February 2013 Pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) was removed from office after being convicted of crimes against humanity. Both Popes Ratzinger and Francis were considered Satanic pedophiles after over 68 child trafficked survivors testified in two years of court hearings before six judges of the Brussels-based International Common Law Court of Justice.

2018-08-28 02:24:45 UTC  

The ICLCJ Court order read in part,“By refusing to respond to the Court’s Summons the accused are declaring their implied guilt pro confesso, as if they have confessed to the charges brought against them. Accordingly, the Judgement requested by the plaintiffs is hereby granted, and all twelve of the accused are declared to be guilty of a monstrous criminal conspiracy to abduct, traffic, ritually torture and murder children. A Bench Warrant is hereby issued for the immediate arrest and imprisonment of the accused prior to their final sentencing.”

2018-08-28 02:25:52 UTC  

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fd6f58 No.2758706 📁
Aug 27 2018 19:04:20 (EST) NEW
Focus Here:
"…raise troubling questions about Halper, who was believed to have worked with the CIA and part of the matrix of players in the bureau’s ‘CrossFire Hurricane’ investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Halper, who assisted the FBI in the Russia investigation, appears to also have significant ties to the Russian government, as well as sources connected directly to President Vladimir Putin."📁
Define 'Projection'.
D's SCREAM when POTUS meets w/ PUTIN?
D's demand to hold hearings w/ the interpreter used during the private POTUS-PUTIN meeting?
D's demand ALL meetings w/ PUTIN be CANCELLED?
If POTUS knows everything - control over what orgs are central to operational success?
1. DOJ
2. FBI
3. NSA
Ask yourself, if above are central to operational success, who would you pick to lead such orgs?
HRC election loss = CF inflow stop
CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow ramp
Compare donors.
Direct correlation?
[He did not depart on his own terms]
Think FLYNN [30].
Exactly [30].
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a871a8 No.2758106 📁
Aug 27 2018 18:10:22 (EST) NEW📁
Who is systematically arranging the leaks to select individuals?
Why is this important [to drop] prior to BO testimony?

2018-08-28 02:30:39 UTC  

remember cindy no name smiles smile for the camera

2018-08-28 02:40:40 UTC  
2018-08-28 02:48:13 UTC  

👉 President Trump Announces Bilateral Trade Deal With Mexico: "Getting Rid Of NAFTA Name" 👈 August 27, 2018

2018-08-28 02:52:39 UTC

2018-08-28 02:54:18 UTC

2018-08-28 02:57:19 UTC  

A comment on the Sara Carticle linked by Q:


August 27, 2018

Outstanding investigative reporting Sara! When Stephan Halper was first linked to this mess many things fell into place for me. What follows is pure speculation on my part.

I could never really wrap my head around how aggressive the DOJ and FBI has been in the pursuit of President Trump. The actions of Deputy Atty. General Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller especially puzzled me. When Halper appeared on the scene the tumbler clicked. Stephan Halper is very, very close to the Bush family and especially close to former President GHW Bush. I believe their relationship goes back to when the elder President Bush was head of the CIA.

I believe the Bush family was furious when then candidate Trump completely obliterated the chance for Jeb Bush to be anointed the Republican nominee for President.

I know the Bush family and the Clinton family are much closer than the general public realizes. While not friendly, I think former President Obama and the Bush family are cordial.

While I do not believe the Bush family started this Russia collusion narrative I absolutely believe they were supporting players and called in a few friends to help.

Rosenstein and Meuller are there to protect the Bush family, because if they become linked to this disaster there will be hell to pay within the Republican party as well as the Democrat party. The general public will come unglued. Many reputations will be ruined. That is why so many are doing their level best to keep the truth hidden.

As I wrote earlier, this is my opinion and mine alone. Fire away.

Once again, great job Sara Carter!"

2018-08-28 02:58:01 UTC  

📈 Stocks SMASH records on news of a new NAFTA agreement between U.S., Mexico 📈 August 27, 2018

2018-08-28 02:59:40 UTC  

If the poster at Sara Carter is correct, Rosenstein and Mueller are there to cover up 5he involvement of the Bush's. Is this correct?