Message from @American Lion

Discord ID: 488759575651155968

2018-09-10 16:52:39 UTC  

Kapernick title for new book" Art of the Kneel"

2018-09-10 16:53:59 UTC  

I will do my part and vote. I want all the information before I vote.

2018-09-10 16:55:12 UTC  

Inform the citizens so they can make wise decisions when they vote.

2018-09-10 16:55:56 UTC  
2018-09-10 16:56:01 UTC  

^ Critical to a Free Republic

2018-09-10 16:57:03 UTC  

The citizens need proof of evil deeds. We have been lied to so long, we need proof.

2018-09-10 16:59:29 UTC  

Do not let us go through another election without the truth being revealed.

2018-09-10 17:02:01 UTC  

@Kathryn44 that spraying might be warranted if they were Poli-Tick-ians

2018-09-10 17:04:06 UTC  

@PatriotEyes LOL hmm..You may have a point there 😉

2018-09-10 17:07:13 UTC

2018-09-10 17:10:08 UTC

2018-09-10 17:16:03 UTC  

Kings from the East?

2018-09-10 17:16:19 UTC  

Best to brush up on Revelation again.

2018-09-10 17:18:16 UTC  

So only 750 people showed up at Obama's Anaheim Convention Center event in far left California! Obama issuing his critique of Trump and the state of Americ, encouraged the crowd to back the candidates he came to support. All this while President Trump packs stadiums full. Montana got 12,000, Indiana got 11,000, West Virginia got 13,600, Obama could only get 750 to attend at a venue that holds many thousands. My take is Obama can only pull the hardest of the left/communists/fascists while Trump pulls everyday Americans that believe in America's ideals.

2018-09-10 17:20:31 UTC  

9/10/18 10:14:25 AM MST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID: None

Why are 'powerful' [influential] people resigning due to 'past sexual misconduct' allegations?
Why are these 'allegations' now surfacing [10-month span]?
Human trafficking arrests up?
SA cooperating?
When does a BIRD sing?
Network being dismantled?

2018-09-10 17:24:43 UTC

2018-09-10 17:24:49 UTC

2018-09-10 17:24:57 UTC

2018-09-10 17:26:27 UTC  

12 legion angels accompany Christ ! Patriots guardians!

2018-09-10 17:27:02 UTC  

Probably half of the people (750) that showed up for O's speech were paid for by soros

2018-09-10 17:30:35 UTC Germany mulls joining US-led airstrikes in Syria – report

2018-09-10 17:31:52 UTC  

Guessing he feels the same way about Americans as well, as both our Countries were settled by the same groups of Europeans ! This sockpuppet needs to be taken down!!

2018-09-10 17:33:07 UTC  

EuropAnon (NED)Today at 12:32 PM
[This] next step will involve incriminating Bush Jr. etc. by declassifying Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) documents along with 9/11 documents from when Kavanaugh was Bush’s Staff Secretary from 2001 to 2005, the Pentagon sources say….

2018-09-10 17:33:48 UTC  

EuropAnon (NED)Today at 12:33 PM
who both “will be taken down first for 9/11 treason so that the Democrats can’t complain when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are targeted.”…

2018-09-10 17:37:01 UTC