Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 488895972382867457

2018-09-11 02:05:53 UTC  

" operation

2018-09-11 02:06:07 UTC

2018-09-11 02:06:25 UTC

2018-09-11 02:09:49 UTC  

@CaptainStu I find link where DJT says the planes couldn't cut the steel

2018-09-11 02:11:34 UTC  
2018-09-11 02:11:52 UTC

2018-09-11 02:11:56 UTC  

On July 1, 2005, O'Connor announced her intention to retire. In her letter to Bush, she stated that her retirement from active service would take effect upon the confirmation of her successor.[78] Her letter did not provide a reason for her departure; however, a Supreme Court spokeswoman confirmed O'Connor was leaving to spend time with her husband,[78] who was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.[79] At her retirement she was still in good health, an exception to the usual practice of justices serving until death or nearly incapacitated.[79]

2018-09-11 02:12:20 UTC  

On July 19, Bush nominated D.C. Circuit Judge John Roberts to succeed O'Connor. O'Connor heard the news over the car radio on the way back from a fishing trip.[80] She felt he was an excellent and highly qualified choice—he had argued numerous cases before the Court during her tenure.[citation needed] However, she was disappointed her replacement was not a woman.[81]

2018-09-11 02:12:34 UTC  

O'Connor had expected to leave the Court before the next term started on October 3, 2005.[82][83] However, Rehnquist died on September 3,[84] creating an immediate vacancy on the Court.[85] Two days later, Bush withdrew Roberts as his nominee for her seat and instead appointed him to fill the vacant office of Chief Justice.[86] O'Connor agreed to stay on the Court until her replacement was named and confirmed.[86] She spoke at the late Chief Justice's funeral.[87] On October 3, Bush nominated White House Counsel Harriet Miers to replace O'Connor.[88] After much criticism and controversy over her nomination, on October 27, Miers asked Bush to withdraw her nomination.[89] Bush accepted, reopening the search for O'Connor's successor.[89]

2018-09-11 02:12:42 UTC  

The continued delays in confirming a successor further extended O'Connor's time on the Court.[83] She continued to hear oral argument on cases, including cases dealing with controversial issues such as physician-assisted suicide and abortion.[83] O'Connor's last Court opinion, Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of New England, written for a unanimous court, was a procedural decision that involved a challenge to a New Hampshire abortion law.[90]

On October 31, Bush nominated Third Circuit Judge Samuel Alito to replace O'Connor;[91] Alito was confirmed and sworn in on January 31, 2006.[92] Since retiring, she has continued to hear cases and rendered over a dozen opinions in federal appellate courts across the country, filling in as a substitute judge when vacations or vacancies leave their three-member panels understaffed.[93]

2018-09-11 02:12:44 UTC

2018-09-11 02:12:49 UTC  


2018-09-11 02:12:57 UTC  

Is he trolling?

2018-09-11 02:13:39 UTC  

Jack Posobiec is trying to uncover Jack Posobiec... whatever he can do to get attention now that Q has issued him a burn notice.

2018-09-11 02:13:57 UTC  

Please listen from 5:33

2018-09-11 02:16:46 UTC  

You better BUTTER your Hot Biscuits @Deleted User !!!

2018-09-11 02:16:53 UTC

2018-09-11 02:17:14 UTC  

thanks patriots

2018-09-11 02:18:21 UTC  

Sandra Day O’Connor retired from the court on January 31, 2006. Part of her reason for retiring was to spend more time with her husband, John Jay O’Connor. The couple has been married since 1952 and has three sons. She divides her time between Washington, D.C., and Arizona.

2018-09-11 02:18:42 UTC

2018-09-11 02:20:34 UTC

2018-09-11 02:21:36 UTC  

This leftist critter JUST MOVED TO TEXAS from Baton Rouge and that was her first piece for the Dallas Morning News.

2018-09-11 02:22:00 UTC  

Amazing. Dustin says the very things i felt before. AJ &Associates have been exposed.

2018-09-11 02:22:08 UTC  

👆 👆 👆

2018-09-11 02:22:14 UTC  

👆 👆 👆

2018-09-11 02:22:44 UTC  

I feel for Dustin Nemos. I was where he was once.

2018-09-11 02:22:57 UTC  

@winclean101😎 Qed up John Jay O'Connor III was an American lawyer and the husband of United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the court. O'Connor, a prominent lawyer in Arizona, suffered from Alzheimer's disease during his later life

2018-09-11 02:22:59 UTC  

Everyone will wake up to the truth

2018-09-11 02:23:41 UTC  

what's going on with Dustin?

2018-09-11 02:23:55 UTC  

@Deleted User watch the video I dropped

2018-09-11 02:24:24 UTC  

Q told us already. We need to ignore the guy

2018-09-11 02:24:29 UTC  

I dunno . I like Dustin, but personally I’m not a HUGE fan I would say be careful

2018-09-11 02:24:31 UTC  

Just me

2018-09-11 02:25:31 UTC  

Feel like he’s just trying to make a name for himself just like AJ! He makes some good points at times, I’m just concerned when it comes to self promotion

2018-09-11 02:26:22 UTC

2018-09-11 02:27:15 UTC  

@CaptainStu we could say that about anyone on YouTube. Understand the message being put out, not about Dustin

2018-09-11 02:27:49 UTC  

You won't get any Famefagging from me

2018-09-11 02:28:10 UTC  

I understand that wouldn’t be a popular thing to say on here and you may be right! I’m just personally being careful didn’t he leave the Soapbox for his own stuff?