Message from @pocketangel3
Discord ID: 488942668823396353
@Lady-RWB I just mention that I am involved with exposing human trafficking. That gets support. Let them find everything on their own
I was on QNN
And 30 other servers
Still am
AJ will be the new NoName
We will not speak his name
It was deliberate
You have gained a rank @Smiley, you just advanced to 37 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
45 degree angle on that steel.
I'm not saying this is the deal for sure,but I had this for awhile.Remember Officer Tippet? Lee Harv allegedly killed him? This is Tippets sad family
I was doing some biometrix on the little twerp sitting on her lap as best I could Focusing on the ears Sketchy with what I had to work with and age... AJ son of "Tippet" ?
You have gained a rank @LaonAnon, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
More to follow... The best I could with thos pics Biometrics of ear for basic construction
Transblind trending!
not definitive but I thought interesting seeing as his sister and brother look a lot like David Knight and the non existent Leann Macadoo da loo