Message from @Bobby
Discord ID: 488953366265724939
@Grey Anon Very interesting article.....good video's also
Prince Gustav zu Sayn-Wittgenstein sure looky likey Alex Jones and his ex wifey Just sayin
And Prince Heinrich sure looky likey Texe Marrs and his wife Wanda sure looky likey Princess Margherita Texe Marrs was the guy that was alleged to have done the nuptuials for AJ and his first wifey I never trusted Jones..Just sayin
GN everyone
Le magazine « Point de Vue » met à sa Une le prince Gustav, nouveau chef de la famille princière de Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg Always been suspicious of Jones... What kid reads The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire as a kid as he stated on air everal times.If you were nobility you might. Again just speculation.
good night to youDina
You have gained a rank @LaonAnon, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@Warrior_Princess Hello how are I have not seen you for awhile πβ€π