Message from @LaonAnon
Discord ID: 488971140576837642
If you like your Jones you can keep your Jones 😃
Heres an intersting book about being an ALLSTARS cheerleader.The book was panned because of typos! ALLSTARS was created by two commies ...Bloomberg funded it because it worked so well.Fred Newman used Mental Patients as fake protesters after he taught them to go on stage and get involved with the "Arts" just like we have in the rural communities.It goes under different names.It also goes under ALLSTARS and Centerstage.It's the afterschool programs Obamba installed in the cities.Then moved it out to the rural areas.It's a nice way to get to know your children and discipline them when you're not around. They go on sleepovers with their teaches to perform
The girls learn how to shake dey booty at Community Dance and they go on sleepovers to "compete"
You have gained a rank @LaonAnon, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
The rural Community IMPACT arts trains them like leetle doggies...get them young! Disciplinary Arts.They control the children when you're not around!
They had a billboard out here advertising for lil' girls while the trafficking was in it's prime! What little girl doesn't want to be a ballerina? Appeal to vanity
If it's IMPACT arts they get the girls to train in skimpy outfits ...all in the name of IMPACT disciplinary arts...Like Podesta likes!
Rahm Emmanuel is going to go away...But his SEXY community dancers got to have a date with the Cops ! They shake they booty good! These girls got to have dates with the Cops because they were FATHERLESS ...They prey on the fatherless ones! We have a lot of fatherless girls who like to ha told they shake they booty real good! Appeal to vanity
They have sex with the teens in Chicago schools but they would never play around with sexy community dancing teens It would be wrong!
They would never have sex with the sexy teen community dancers though
They only have sex with the school children...not Commie Unity Dancers
This was 2013 When the trafficking was just getting started. ALLSTARS started by Marxists Parents happy to trust their children with them
Parents sign over guardianship to fly dance teachers.The teens get to stay with the teachers in hotels on the road.It was called racism if you questioned it! hehe
Y'see...this community dance/cheer absorbs the entire family.Fred Newman of ALLSTARS was a genius! These girls Cheer not for a team.Just to cheer.We had these classes out here too. If they get hurt? Oh well.They go on sleepovers too
If they get injured doing this nonsense they are on their own
I know if it's not on the FAKE NEWS 24 7 it's not news
It's a big part of Commie Unity rural organizing,and commie unity organizing in general
Lotsa results if you know what you are looking for .They made it so obvious out here I've been watching for years. Send your girls to Commie Unity dance.They'll get LUCKY Shhhh don't tell anyone.We don't want to ruin a good thing
You have gained a rank @LaonAnon, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:
Last 30 Days
During this time period, there were 82 Islamic attacks in 22 countries, in which 483 people were killed and 533 injured.
You have gained a rank @RFannin, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Hey...theres even more lucrative ways to use those HUMAN RESOURCES in Chicago. Did you know Mayor Emmanuel's Brotherman Zeke (Mr Obamacare ) which was actually Sercocare) is the best organ taker outter putter inner in the country? The dead kids in Chicago get their organs sold.The dumb single Moms out there are approached to let little Jamal LIVE ON and help people in his sad death.The big money comes from INSTALLING the organs they get from the kids who just happen to get shhot.He was in a gang y'know. Those shootings are BIG BUCKS
They even had to lower the age so they could get those PREMIUM organs from the children being shot to death in Chicago
I betch didn't know that you couldn't harvest organs from HUMAN RESOURCES who didn't know how to use them once they got hooked on Opioids.....BUT YA CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeee Haw ! Now that's what I call a Human Resource!
You have gained a rank @salty crystal, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!