Message from @Sanadah

Discord ID: 491039877148704774

2018-09-17 00:04:08 UTC  

@llasley(aka-kermit) not sure but check the comments on this thread

2018-09-17 00:04:15 UTC  

@Dina Think I will shave them Tuesday. Tires on car tomorrow☕ .

2018-09-17 00:05:14 UTC  

@DarkSlayer I am also enjoying my Starbucks coffee ❤❤☕

2018-09-17 00:06:12 UTC  

@Dina I am enjoying setting. I am having a cup of coffee.☕

2018-09-17 00:07:37 UTC  

@V77 u might like some of these guys vids (not a wholesale endorsement by any means...but some interesting stuff)

2018-09-17 00:08:19 UTC  

@JonJon ya for some reason all of the sites say doesnt exist then i can go look it up on the trump twitter archive but i need to at least know something about it

2018-09-17 00:08:46 UTC  
2018-09-17 00:08:53 UTC  

@llasley(aka-kermit) i havent looked at any Q stuff today lol. relaxed all day. ate/slept/ good stuff

2018-09-17 00:09:50 UTC  

cool beans i let you relax i should do the same

2018-09-17 00:09:53 UTC  
2018-09-17 00:12:56 UTC  

@Meadow i was just asking about a trump tweet from Q post 2180. the link says page does not exist. so do you know anything about the tweet contents anything?

2018-09-17 00:13:25 UTC  

No wonder this world is messed up. You can have sex with a minor and that's okay but you can't receive sex pictures of a person under 18? We need to stop being this countries ally.

2018-09-17 00:14:38 UTC  

@Sanadah why would you want any of it?

2018-09-17 00:17:09 UTC  

What do you mean?

2018-09-17 00:18:39 UTC  

"you can have sex with a minor and thats ok" what are you implying there

2018-09-17 00:18:44 UTC  

Fox trying to push this story out

2018-09-17 00:19:54 UTC  

I am implying that in Britain it is okay for a adult to have sex with a minor but it is not okay for a adult to receive sexual pictures of a minor. To me that is messed up.. in the sense of it being okay to have sex with a minor.

2018-09-17 00:20:22 UTC  
2018-09-17 00:21:56 UTC  

The people at the town hall are probably paid

2018-09-17 00:24:52 UTC  

ok and just to be clear i am not jumping i am asking to get where you are coming from ok then why would any of it be ok . example imo none of that pedo crap is ok none. so i ask is it your opinion that it is ok or that the brits think its ok just trying to get your point of view @Sanadah

2018-09-17 00:24:54 UTC  
2018-09-17 00:25:11 UTC  

@V77 hey booboo

2018-09-17 00:25:43 UTC  

@V77 hey how r u?

2018-09-17 00:27:45 UTC  

I get why you're asking and that's cool. Neither is acceptable but in the realm of not okay.. punching someone in the face is not the same as stabbing them in the gut. Both should not be allowed and punishable but I would expect the stabbing to carry a stiffer punishment than a punch in the nose.

2018-09-17 00:28:59 UTC  

Or us to say it's okay to punch someone in the face (have sex with minor) but not okay to stab them (receive pics). Hope that helps clarify.

2018-09-17 00:29:23 UTC  

@Sara Hi , how are you today/everning?

2018-09-17 00:32:17 UTC  

good ol California

2018-09-17 00:32:21 UTC  

Test of Emergency Broadcast System on Thursday?
17 Sep 2018 - 4:13:12 AM
TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms.
POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football'].
NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access.
CENTRAL Command.

2018-09-17 00:32:25 UTC  

ok we just have a difference in opinion i feel that its not the same so you cant really use something in example of it. pedo has its own place in hell. but thats my opinion and imo they should all burn. @Sanadah

2018-09-17 00:38:00 UTC  

You are correct it is not the same. Receiving underage pics should be a crime, and in Britain it is but yet the other is not? That's what I am getting at. I personally am not saying it is okay. That's Britain laws doing that.

2018-09-17 00:40:11 UTC