Message from @ThePangburn

Discord ID: 755195620767301673

2020-09-14 22:26:37 UTC  


2020-09-14 22:27:12 UTC  

What was the question ?

2020-09-14 22:27:25 UTC  

Mr T2?

2020-09-14 22:27:57 UTC  

Abuse ^

2020-09-14 22:28:15 UTC  

i actually missed the question but only heard the claim. but i think we're talking about how it would be possible to prove god. i think.

2020-09-14 22:29:01 UTC  

you dont know how to have a conversation @MrBATMAN you only know how to preach

2020-09-14 22:30:23 UTC  
2020-09-14 22:30:56 UTC  

Any choice has a quality attached to it. Since there is only 1 perfect way

2020-09-14 22:35:07 UTC  

You are a pirate

2020-09-14 22:38:43 UTC  


2020-09-14 22:39:19 UTC  

I didnt say that God gave the qualities. But that choices have qualities

2020-09-14 22:39:22 UTC  


2020-09-14 22:39:42 UTC  

SO every choice can be ranked according to specific criteria.

2020-09-14 22:40:02 UTC  

And every choice (having a different score) is a proof of free will.

2020-09-14 22:40:34 UTC  

Because it's impossible to chose any 2 identical-score choices.

2020-09-14 22:40:50 UTC  

Therefore the abscence of free will is impossible

2020-09-14 22:41:54 UTC  


2020-09-14 22:43:01 UTC  

Alternatively you can use the same system and say: Every choice has a different score. But every choice is deterministically motivated (in whole or part) therefore Free will does not exist

2020-09-14 22:43:27 UTC  

===> Conclusion The problem is undecideable (the problem of free will - Kurt Godel Proof of Undecidability)

2020-09-14 22:43:46 UTC  

Its only a matter of choice: You can use logic to prove everything.

2020-09-14 22:44:58 UTC  

Well humanity becomes better because Mr Kalman becomes better

2020-09-14 22:45:00 UTC  


2020-09-14 22:45:06 UTC  


2020-09-14 22:50:42 UTC

2020-09-14 22:51:46 UTC  

Any form of spirituality commonly shared in society raises the level of collectivism and solidarity. Its obvious => Progress / Beter quality of life As opposed to non-spirituality (if such thing exists)

2020-09-14 22:54:49 UTC  

Yes you can ^_^

2020-09-14 22:55:14 UTC  

Make a decision that another random guy makes the decisions in your place.