Message from @T2the2ndpowr
Discord ID: 755193762069741659
sultan erdogan
where u from
nevermind 🙂
are u turkish
or from turkey
Turkey Vs Greece 😂
no, i do not wanna say it
What was the question ?
Mr T2?
Abuse ^
i actually missed the question but only heard the claim. but i think we're talking about how it would be possible to prove god. i think.
you dont know how to have a conversation @MrBATMAN you only know how to preach
Any choice has a quality attached to it. Since there is only 1 perfect way
You are a pirate
I didnt say that God gave the qualities. But that choices have qualities
SO every choice can be ranked according to specific criteria.
And every choice (having a different score) is a proof of free will.
Because it's impossible to chose any 2 identical-score choices.
Therefore the abscence of free will is impossible
Alternatively you can use the same system and say: Every choice has a different score. But every choice is deterministically motivated (in whole or part) therefore Free will does not exist