Message from @StoneCold316
Discord ID: 757679677027385394
What’s an example of where science doesn’t work and you need other systems
Lol 😄 No, actually this has been established since "The Theory of Natural Philosophy" - By Roger Boscovich in the 1700s
Don’t just make statements explain them
When you choose which ice-cream to choose. When you choose wheather you stay with rent or buy.
In most human situations actually
"established" I would say made fun of since then
Actually Max Planck And Schrodinger, Tesla and Einstein wouldnt agree with you
Thats wrong
They never said reality isn't where the definition of truth is
> When you choose which ice-cream to choose. When you choose wheather you stay with rent or buy.
@Yussuki ₪ that’s just psychology
Now, the honestly said "I dont know. I want to explore using all the available methods."
Scientific Method is only one of them.
By confronting them, you have de Truth.
Truth may only emerge in a dialectical manner by confrontation. If you can show me any other way, I will gladly listen Sir 😛
are you saying that if you are alone in an island you cannot know anything true
Mind you that alone = a perfectly adiabatic system
Zino - get on the voice. Too many points you’ve raised and now none can be dealt with 1-1, like we were when this conversation started.
What does thermodinamics have to do with epistemology?
I was off to kitchen
Every thought has a metabolic process associated with it.
But the thought in itself is not the sum total of metabolical processes
Very good Gus i agree ❤️
Is there anyone who wants absolute power for parents to choose the manner in which their children are educated and even don't send them to school at all ?
We talk about Morality or?
u there?
Zurich ?
I believe it's morally justifiable for a child to sue his parent, after his parent refused to enroll him in school for the legal minimum number of years.
Otherwise, if you just let parents withdraw their children from school without penalty or incentive, they would misuse this law and create a generation of less productive youngsters lacking education.
And the collective well-being should prevale on the long term
*The smallest minority is the schyzophrenic individual 😂
*Or the multiple personalities individual
Americans appear to be too individualistic to realize that the success of a society rezides in coherent collectivist behaviour, properly oriented to national goals.
The so-called "successful individuals" like entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, engineers produce and grow their wealth within and FOR society, not on Mars.